Chapter 1: Introduction and Diaper Blues

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 Reaper was on his way to becoming a Pokemon Master. He had been journeying everywhere for years, with his team of misfits, who were a whole bunch of very young Pokemon, but with higher levels than age. His major job was keeping them dry, fit, and ready for battle. For some reason, every Pokemon he caught ended up being a baby, with no fault of his own. It was some kind of weird luck. He did not have any idea why he had such luck.
At this time, Baby Trainer Reaper was on his way to discover all Pokemon, because he was already a Champion of his home region. every town he went to, he had to restock at least 2 supplies. every other town, he had to restock the padding. Usually, When he is not Journeying, he is seen staying with his Pokemon at Daycares, since he aspires to be a Daycare Professional, and a breeder someday, with all his experience with baby Pokemon. His Pokemon were not helpless in any way, however.
One of his Pokemon he was the closest to was his flareon, who he named Flare. Flare was his starter, unlike other trainers. And his flareon had evolved from an eevee, of his own accord without a fire stone, which was another thing that made him unique. If Reaper was in public, people recognized him, and never laughed at all his diaper-wearing baby Pokemon, for they knew very well how powerful he was. It was not always this way, since any trainer with such young Pokemon, like his, would most likely be picked on and laughed at. Before his Pokemon were respected, they were ridiculed if spotted in their particular padding, some way or other.  Due to this, Reaper usually put covers on them, which made their diapers virtually invisible. But that is another story that we will not get into at this time. For now, he was on a mission.

Reaper continued on his way, throughout Sinnoh, and explored every place he could to find new Pokemon. After traveling for some time, he wanted to try other regions. His current plan was to head to Kanto, so he could maybe pay Professor Oak a visit, after his adventures in Sinnoh. He decided to stop at an Inn one of those days, to take care of his pokemon's unusual needs, and sleep for the night, after some dinner. His starter was always out, with the addition of two or three other Pokemon at a time.
Unlike other trainers, however, Reaper had a private portable storage device, if he needed to switch out on the road. He followed the rules of the Pokemon League when he went to a league, however, which meant choosing one team for the entire challenge. His main Pokemon were Flare, Baby the Arceus, Drake the Giratina, Electro the Pichu, Pippy the Piplup, and Poflem the Vulpix. Sometimes he would have out his Buizel, or his Skitty, and sometimes his Bulbasaur named Bulby. His charmander, Char, was not out as often, mainly because his primary fire pokemon was Flare. But he would bring him out sometimes, to help level him, and just to have a charmander to play with at times. His legendary pokemon, as you would suspect, are from his home region.
Reaper headed to a special restroom in the small inn. He had to check up on his pokemon. In the storage system, Reaper's Pokemon somehow got their diapers changed automatically, so usually only his Pokemon on hand were the ones in need. His first Pokemon in need of a change was Drake. Drake was sometimes reluctant to be changed, but this time he was calm, and he got to talk to another girl's Absol while in there, since the special restroom they were in was a room dedicated to diaper changing, and there were many Pokemon that could be potential babies.
The girl trainer next to him was blown away to see such a cute Giratina in person. She apparently did not have a lot of legendary Pokemon herself. Reaper smiled at the goo-goo eyes from her, since he knew very well how cute most of his pokemon were, and due to that, they actually got in a lot of cuteness contests. He lifted Drake up in his arms, placing the dark/ghost-typed baby dragon on his back, to begin changing him. He was in his alternate form for this, in order to be easier to hold. His diaper was fastened on his back two legs, and it would somehow stay attached in his origin form, thanks to the company that created his special brand.
The little Pokemon had a blank diaper where he normally had Dark Pokemon. "Well, you sure used your diaper to full capacity..." he said, undoing his tapes. Drake just stared blankly at the ceiling with his bright, piercing red eyes. He was telepathically communicating with the Absol. Reaper had an Absol too, and he named him Stormhorn. He was in storage at the moment, but Reaper wanted to bring him out to let him see the girl's absol later.
Reaper went searching through his trainer bag for any more legendary dark/ghost-typed diapers, and found only one more. "oh...I guess I will have to buy more from the PokeMart. I will get to that my next chance. Don't worry Drake, you will have a new bag by tomorrow," he said. Then he finished changing him. Reaper put Drake on the ground, and Drake went to sit by Reaper's side and continued talking to the newly-changed Absol, named Darky, some more. The Absol had a purple diaper with Dusk balls on the front.
Baby hopped onto the table and obediently laid on his back. Then he sat down next to Drake when he was done, since he and Drake were best friends, and enjoyed playing together a lot. Poflem was next. she smelled really bad, and her diaper was all the way wet.
Pippin did not need one yet, so Reaper finally got to changing Flare, after finishing with Poflem. "Okay Flare, let me see," he said. he squeezed Flare's diaper, and felt it squish. "Okay, buddy. I will change you right away," so he got out a new diaper, and finished off with Flare. "So, how old is your Absol?" Reaper asked the girl, who just finished with her Phanpy. "Oh, about 3. I noticed your Giratina was fond of her," she said, smiling. "Well, I don't know what it is, but he has a great attachment to Dark Pokemon. He gets along fondly with my boy Absol, Stormhorn," "You have one too? ooh, I have never had a chance to find another trainer with one! they are so rare..." she said.
"Well, I guess it would not hurt to bring him out, since he might be happy to meet another one, so I will meet you in the main pokecenter room after I retrieve him," said Reaper. So they both went into the main room, and Reaper switched Pippin with Stormhorn. Stormhorn popped out and hopped into Reaper's lap, rubbing his muzzle into his shoulder. "Okay! okay! calm down Stormy. you don't want to get too excited!" said Reaper, smiling.
Stormhorn saw Darky, and was super excited. His night sky diaper lost all the stars. "Welp, that happened...but I expected it to happen anyways," said Reaper, blushing. "Well, good thing he has on a diaper..." she said, giggling. "My name is Emily, by the way," she added. "My Skitty has that name!" said Reaper. "Oh!" said Emily, flattered. "Hey, I could use a companion for my journey to discovering new Pokemon. It would help if there was another trainer, in case I run into two trainers sometimes, and if I find any less courteous people who team up against me," said Reaper. "well, I am sure your pokemon would love to be together with mine longer! So yes, I would love to join!" said Emily. And so the two were now a team.

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