The Driver V - The Meeting

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A/N: going soft hours. Enjoy the fluff.

Tokyo-Kobe: 5 hours 39 minutes

In my life, I've been to countless roadtrips. When I was a kid and even on my teenage years, my parents loved to get away from Seoul's noise and crowd. It was our little adventure to visit a different place every two weeks and as I grew up, I still enjoy it as much as I used to.

My job requires lots of traveling. Traveling to other cities and countries, traveling to different cutltures and people. So yes, roadtrips are part of my own routine, a routine I continue to love especially when a certain Japanese woman has been my company to those roadtrips for the past 2 years.

"They don't know I'm coming back home" a small voice interrupts my thoughts.

I lift my head from the passenger seat's window and turn to look at her. Her eyes are fixed on the long road ahead of us. She seems worried, focused and nervous. Her left hand grips the steering wheel tightly, her right one is on her lap or shifting gears from time to time. She takes a small glimpse my way.

I decide not to speak. I take her hand in mine and slowly caress it for a couple of minutes. She turns the music down as if she is expecting me to read her mind and say something, something to calm her nerves.

"Why didn't you tell them, Mina?" I finally say

"I..don't know" she answers, taking her hand away from mine.

"Part of me does not want to do this. I've been doing fine with them out of my life. But I miss them. I miss them so much" she sighs.

I turn my head slightly to the left and watch that one single tear fall from the corner of her eye and roll on her cheek.

"I'm sorry for making you come to Japan. I had no idea" I tell her honestly, feeling that somehow I am responsible for this.

"It had to be done sooner or later. I'm thankful for pushing me to do this. I don't think I would have been brave enough to handle the situation on my own" she smiles slightly and lifts up my hand in order to kiss it softly.  

I like it when she is affectionate. I like it when we switch characters, when we both become Mina and Chaeyoung. When we're just lovers. I smile and reach out to stroke her hair.

"Don't worry, okay? It's not like you had a fight. You just...drifted apart" I try to reassure her, although I feel her body tensing at my words.

"'re right" both of her hands are now on the steering wheel.

The sun starts to rise in the horizont. We both woke up pretty early for this long trip. I was ready to whine and act like a brat for depriving me of my beauty sleep but I know this is important for her. And besides, how can somebody whine when the most gorgeous woman on the planet wakes them up.

I avert my eyes from the road and stare at her profile, going further down until my eyes take in the entire image in front of me. A plain black hoodie and black ripped jeans. She didn't want to dress up for her parents. Her black, long hair are up in a messy bun. She wears very little make up that compliments her natural look but also highlights the fact that she woke up really early. Never in my 35 years of being alive, would I imagine that I'd be this close to a woman like her.

"Mrs. Son?" She asks me out of nowhere

"Who's this? I don't know her" I reply faking annoyance. She chuckles.

"Chaeyoung?" She corrects herself. In order to make her be more comfortable around me, I suggested that she calls me by my name when we're not in Moonshot or around people of the company.

The Driver (MiChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now