Chapter Fifteen

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The next three days, the halls were filled with gossip, everyone abuzz with the latest news: the famous Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, destined to defeat Voldemort and save the entire wizarding world . . . was in love with the son of a Death Eater.

Harry missed every class with Draco, having Hermione take his notes and deliver his homework so long as he promised her he'd work hard in the classes he did attend. He kept his back to the Slytherin table during meals, and whenever Draco walked into the library or the courtyard and he was there, Harry would leave.

"Harry," Hermione said tentatively one afternoon when giving him his potions homework. "I know you're going through a . . . a tough time and all. . . But don't you think avoiding Malfoy is a bit, well, childish?"

Harry sighed, not meeting her eyes as he shoved the papers in his bag. "What choice to I have, 'Mione?"

"Well it's not like the entire school doesn't already know. Avoiding him will probably only make it worse, because it good as confirms it."

"It's a bit too late not to avoid him, Hermione."

"Harry," she snapped, and he finally looked over at her. "We're sixteen, not twelve. Be more mature. You don't have to talk to him, just . . . at least go to your lessons!"

"It's not that simpl---"

"Yes," Hermione interrupted. "It is. You've been doing it for the past few years. It's not like you don't know how to find them. And I'm no longer taking notes for you, or getting your homework. Not if you continue to be so hard-headed. It's real easy and not as big a deal as you think."

With that, she stomped away to her next lesson.

With another sigh, he headed to the library (since his next lesson would be one with Draco, and he wasn't quite ready to face the blonde Slytherin) with the repeating thought that it was Friday, and he'd be able to stay locked up in Gryffindor Tower for the next two days.

Because he was a sentimental git, he looked through the shelves at the spot where this entire mess had begun.

"Still having trouble with your girlfriend, Potter?"

Upon reflex, he responded with, "She's not my---" and then abruptly cut off, freezing when the voice registered.

Without turning to look at Draco, he started to rush towards the doors, but Draco caught his wrist, and lightly tugged him back.

"Harry, wait, please."

Harry froze again at the plea, tensing as he let Malfoy pull him back behind the shelves.

That was the first time he'd ever heard his first name come out of Draco Malfoy's perfect lips.

"I know you've been trying to avoid me," he started in a whisper. Harry was still refusing to look at him. "I'd have to be an idiot not to notice." He paused, leaning up against the shelf next to Harry. His hand was still around the Gryffindor's wrist, and Harry hated himself for not pulling away. "There's lots of rumors going around about the story---"The Amortentia Incident." That's what they're all calling it. Highly exaggerated, most of them. Especially the ones that speculate what was happening between us while we were gone most of the class."

Draco smirked, trying to catch Harry's eye, but the brunette avoided the glance, and it faded back into a frown.

"Harry. . ." The Slytherin's voice sounded so sad, so pitiful and pleading, and Harry almost looked before reminding himself that he shouldn't even still be here. "Please just say something."

"Why are you here, Malfoy?" Harry asked through clenched teeth.

It was a weird feeling, Harry had felt then. Like even though he wasn't looking at the blonde, he could practically feel what could only be described as Draco's heart sinking. How could he feel that when he wasn't even looking at his face? Or if he wasn't Draco himself, feeling it like---Oh.

Harry could tell because it was the same thing he felt when Draco had fled him in the alcove, when he was almost about to kiss him in one moment, and then the next Draco wasn't even there anymore.

He heard Draco suck in a deep breath, suddenly jolted from the painful memory into the angered reality he was living through then.

"I'm here to tell you the truth."

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