This will be the day Chapter 2

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When team RWBY met Sun, they found an army of fawnists all willing to help them save Atlas. It was a happy reunion, not just a reunion, a party.

Blake: Sun! Is this what you call a few friends?

Sun: You needed my help and besides, I know you had to miss me. I didn't want to deprive you of my company. Oh, and I have another surprise. Sun turns and points behind him. Blake's parents are there in the crowd.

Blake: Mom! Dad! I can't believe it! Yang, Ruby, everyone, come and meet my parents.

For several minutes there are lots of introductions, hugs and high fives. Finally, Qrow pulls his schythe and smashes it hard to the ground. Everyone stops.

Qrow; Listen up! I hate to break up this party but, let's not forget what we are all here for. If everyone will come with me, I think we can help everyone get settled and after that, I want to meet with all the leaders.

As Raven returned to the bandit camp and transformed back to human, she heard someone behind her. She ignored it for a moment or two and pretended to be unaware. She could feel someone watching her; she could hear the faint steps as they followed her. She watched from the corner of her eye and at just the moment, she turned to catch her stalker.

Raven: What are you doing here?

Emerald: I'm here to avenge my friend!

Mercury: I think you know who sent us. You're going with us!

Raven puts her sword away because she doesn't consider either Emerald or Mercury a threat: Cynder was no friend to anyone. She used you. She wanted power and she would have done anything to get it. I don't care what Salem wants, I'm not going anywhere. She turns to walk away but Mercury starts to attack while her back is turned. Raven isn't fooled; she swings around with sword ready again and quickly pushes Mercury to the ground. She places one foot on his chest and points her sword at him.

Raven: Go home boy! Looking at Emerald, Both of you go home! You don't need to be mixed up in any of this. I don't want to hurt you. If you leave now, I will let you go but try something like that again, and no one will ever find your body.

Emerald: Go Home?! Is that it? We don't have a home thanks to you. Cynder was my friend. She took me in when I had no place to go and all she asked us for in return, was loyalty.

Raven: Yes, loyalty. As long as you did what you were told, you had a home with her. Am I right? Did you ask her what she would do if you refused? Salem is pure evil and Cynder was on her way to becoming just like her. She would have turned on you; believe me, I've seen it first hand. I'm sorry you don't have anyone. From what I've heard, you two would fit in well here... with us. I wouldn't require you to do anything you don't want to do...just earn your keep in whatever you chose to do. Here, we are a family. If that's what you are looking for, I'd be willing to give you a chance. You should know that I will never give in to Salem, nor will I ever be one of Ozpin's guinea pigs again. We answer to no one.

Mercury still struggling unable to get up: You don't stand a chance against Salem!

Raven scoffs: Do you think you do? It's your choice. She lets Mercury up.

Emerald: Why would we ever trust you? After what you did to Cynder? You pretend to know about her, but you don't know anything! Emerald creates a powerful vision. Raven sees Cynder, alive and well. She is surrounded by a large army of warriors and grimm and Salem is approaching behind her. Salem is enormous and towers over the trees. Cynder sets the whole camp on fire. In all of this, Raven doesn't move. She was surprised at first but she quickly realized that nothing she was seeing was real. She felt no rumble and no one else had come to see what the commotion was. This was all an illusion.

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