American Teen

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Your POV
Today is my first day back in the United States. My family and I stayed in Italy for the summer. I was a bit jet lagged; but excited to be back.

Before we left in the beginning of June, We lived in South Dakota. Now my father has rented us a house in California for my senior year. It was a fitting house considering it was just me, my brother, and my parents.

After all the unpacking, I decided to go out for a walk down the strip. I stopped in a local ice cream shop where there was a group of teens sitting at a booth. One boy caught my eye; he had the most gorgeous smile.

Everything about him captivated my eyes. He had the most perfect glowing skin complexion. His laugh lit up the whole ice cream shop. It was so angelic and sweet. He seemed so different from any other boy I was attracted to; he was a soft boy.

As I was staring at him he caught my piercing gaze on him. His eyes were so innocent and pure. He was like the perfect American teen.

Khalid's POV
I look up to see this beautiful girl. We caught each other's eyes staring for what seems like an eternity. She was like an angel sent straight from heaven, The perfect American teen. Quickly, she takes her gaze off of me and proceeds to the counter.

Hopping out of my seat I stumbled a little pulling on my blue jean overalls. I approached her and as she was confused on what to get I suggested "You should try the berry blast frozen yogurt". She looked me in the eyes and smiled. That damn smile, it gave me butterflies.
"Thanks, you have a name"?  "Khalid, what about you"? He asked

Your POV
"So cute and fitting". He said with the most precious smile formed across his mouth. I wanted to grab him up and hug him. He was so adorably perfect.

"I know we just met, but do you want to come to the beach with us later? We're having a bomb fire". He asked

"Sure" I was freaking out in my head

I made my way to the beach later on. I seen the sparks from the fire from a distance. I approached the group of teens and immediately I locked eyes with Khalid. I smiled and he smiled back as I sat next to him. He sang to the guitar and he had such and amazing voice.

It felt good to be back here in America. Especially to be here in California where it's so seemingly perfect. It felt like a dream. I remember what it felt like to be an American teen.

Such a shitty ending eat my ass wtf

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