Un-likely To Be Normalized Part 1

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"Theres no good day like starting of with school" Joseph mentioned. "Bullshit, school is just a collab of total unnecessary knowledge" Jack interrupted. "Lighten up Jack, there is no need to pout about school if we only have 8 weeks left of it" As Angelia corrected. "SUP FU$#ERS" as Corrie jumps on Jack's shoulders. Jack mentions annoyed. "Why do you have to do that every time, I mean the cussing is aloud and rather preferred, but contact with me"Jack chuckles "there sould be a reason for that". Corrie get up in Jack's face "Oh yah, and what are you gonna do about it, Joseph" Corrie laughs knowing Jack wont do anything...Why??

"Because I'm Jack" *shakes readers hands* "nice to meet you. I may seem rude and grumpy all the time, but I'm acually really nice. Schools almost over and I get real impatient for it to end. But I'm not like any other teenager, acually im alot like one but I have different aspects...First you need to know me, My name is Jack Cap Bane, I have natural black hair and husky blue eyes, I wear alot of black (because it matches with everthing), I dont hit women, I play video games (what a suprise for modern teenagers), and I'm atheist but I respect other religions...because I'm nice...........ANYWAY I dont have alot of favorites. But now that you know some of me we can continue. I act like a teenager, I have a 6th sence for alot of stuff like spirits, or feelings, etc. But at school I have a group of friends that I guess you can call..."extra". We act really weird around eachother, and by weird I mean EMENCLY gay. We are all strait (I think) but we act gay around eachother".... if you dont like it...then I'm gonna...do absolutely nothing because I(author) could care less of people opinions....CONTINUE THE STORY (And jack will now be narrating while I go drink coffee) Bye

I head to math with Corrie. "Damn I hate math so much". "But your so good at it" Corrie replied, " Yah but that doesn't mean I have to like it if im good at it" Corrie nods with a convincing look on her face. We get to class and I sit down next to Corrie and I open my book bag noticing i forgot to put my math book in my bag. I raise my hand and the teacher heads over to me. She kneels over twords me and sticks her stupid ass in the students face next to me, I felt bad for him. But I tell her I don't have my book and she grabs me a paper to take notes. After a hour passes I head over to my next class...biolagy, I'm terrible at math, but i see one of my best friends, chance. I call him my dad, hes not acually my dad and we are not dating but hes just that great. I sit down 3 seats away because that's how the seating chart is and after the teacher explained our assignment I immediately sat down next to him. We both finish our assignment and we start talking "So jack how far have you've gotten in crossfired flame" Chance asked "I have acually got the new legendary instakill sniper" Chance continues"your kidding right, I've spent 50 dollars trying to get that" a long pause between us and I give him a blank look "Chance you need to calm down with your money on that game" Chance nods his head and the bell rings and we both head home.
     As soon as I get home I put some leftovers in the microwave and go to the bathroom while it heats up. After grabbing my food I head down to my room and sit down in my chair, and start up my gaming console. Right after I feel a sudden pain in my head. It feels more like pressure then a headache. And all of the sudden my door opens slamming at the wall and I'm thrown across into the corner of my room and I see stuff crashing around on the other side like people are fighting, but I cant see it...but I can sence it. Out of nowhere I get knocked out, and when I wake up my room was a mess. I stood up and slowly explored my room hoping I dont get mauled.

     Nothing..... all I felt was pure fear running through my body. After around 5 minutes of my baby stepping around my room looking insane I found a piece of crystal that looked oddly colorful like a spectrum, so I wanted to test if it was. I opened my window and shined it into the light and it started shooting out colors. I was mesmerized by the sight.           

     Then the crystal started vibrating and the colorful lights started slowly fading towards me. I was confused and I still had fear in my body. So i drop the crystal but the light still was following me. When it hit my eyes it was just bright...like looking in the sky. But then the colors started changing into only blue and pink. And it shot a bolt into my eyes and I was knocked out (again). And I didnt know that would change me for the rest of my life.

Welp...That's the end of episode 1 ladies and gentlemen. This is my first story so I hope it was interesting *sips coffee then smacks lips* anyway the second should be out soon. Byyyyeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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