Interlude 3: Message from the Gate

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As soon as he saw the guard walking down the road, Kerth knew the man had a message for Master Argrist. Sure enough, the guard headed straight for their home and pounded loudly at the door. Idag opened it and demanded, "State your business!"

"I have important information for Lord Vahd Argrist," the guard replied.

"What kind of information?" Idag asked irritatedly.

"A young woman named Coursande and her associates were asking after him."

Idag mused briefly, the went inside. A minute or two later, he led the guard inside and up the stairs.

Kerth thought for only a moment before he went inside, himself, and headed up to Shayl's workroom. He didn't know exactly what was going on, but he guessed it was no small matter. Just in case, he wanted to be as close to Shayl as possible.

When Kerth entered, Shayl stood up in surprise. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know," Kerth replied. "I think something is happening, though; a guard came to talk to the master. Someone at the gate was asking around, it seems."

Shayl frowned, lost in thought. "Do you know why? Or who?"

Kerth shook his head. "The guard mentioned a name, but I didn't catch it. He didn't want to talk with anyone but Master Argrist."

Just after that, Idag entered the room, a sleazy smile on his face. "The master has ordered you to stand by, Shayl; depending on the situation, he may have need of your healing abilities." Suddenly noticing Kerth's presence, Idag's smile became a scowl, and he barked, "What are you doing here, worm? You should be out in the gardens!"

"I was concerned when I saw the guard, and elected to warn Shayl that there could be potential danger," Kerth responded, restraining his own frustration and anger.

Idag's scowl deepened, but he didn't argue, sweeping out of the room. Kerth sighed with relief, then turned to Shayl and said, "Be careful."

Shayl nodded. "You, too."

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