Chapter 1

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"Ah!" I jolted up awake, my hands laid on my chest as I felt the heavy thumping of my heart. My breathing was fast, beads of sweat had formed on my forehead and I was confused for the most part till I heard the sound of a familar voice.

"One of those nightmares again?" I turned to face a boy with brown hair and olive eyes lying beside me, arms crossed behind his back. It was my brother.

"Ye..yeah." I replied, I felt more at ease now knowing that it was all just a stupid nightmare."Hey Aiko." I called.

"Hm?"He replied,looking at me."What time is it?"I asked."Its 7.12am."He replied."W-WHAAAT?!?!".I yelled.


"Woah woah chillax baby sis, you're just too cute when you're asleep that I didn't want to wake you up." He chuckled.

"CUTE MY BUTT! So you are telling me that instead of waking me up for school, you decided TO JUST WATCH ME SLEEP Y-YOU CREEP!" I swear to god, what a retard.

"Yes." He replied casually, his tone sounded like he was proud of what he'd done. I took in a deep calming breath and said," So now what am I suppose do hm? and by the way, don't you have school today too?."

"Well for your information missy, no one cares, if you miss a day of school in college so I'll be fine, the pros of being 18 I guess." "But you miss lady..." He said as he got up and pointed a finger at me.

"Should shut your whining 16 year old face and head to school now." He was uncomfortably close to my face."Clock is ticking afterall." He is sure is something..and I don't mean that in a good way.

"I will kill you where you sleep,Aiko." I waved my fist at him, I could feel the the pulse on the side of my head throbbing as I did so.

"Well, I will like to see you try baby sis." He smirked and when back to his original sleeping position.

You know what...I don't have time for his nonsense cuz like he said clock's ticking. Now its a 20 minute walk from where we live to school, if I were to run it will be around 15 minutes. You see Akane,things will be finne. I mean today is only the math exam for finals, which you spent weeks preparing for and if you're late you wouldn't be able to take the exam for the first 30 minutes, thats all. It's fine........


I threw on my uniform and bag and made my way to the front door."Good luck." I heard my brother say as I stepped outside. I pretty sure I heard a giggle from him as I stepped outside. What was he scheming? Whatever, I don't have time to ponder on that. I've got bigger issues to deal with.

When I stepped onto the stonebrick path and walked towards the main gate outside. I thought to myself as I open the creaky gate, the journey begins.

I could hear the huffing of my breath, it was ridiculous. The tapping of my shoes were loud against the damp concrete, it had just recently rained. Great.

As I quickly ran past an elder lady, she may or may not have fell down because of me...but I don't really know because I didn't bother to check. All I could hear was the curses she was spewing at me from behind..sooo I'm guessing its a yes.

As I made a swift turn around a corner of a building, I almost slipped but managed to get a hang of my balance and continued running.

Over a distance, I finally saw my school. I bolted as fast as I could. I was going to make it, come on Akane. *Rinngg* I stepped on the school grounds exactly as the bell rang.

"Am I safe." I saw the discipline master, Mrs Cathral standing at the security post with her 1990s outdated outfit and glasses. She didn't say a word..she me." I'll take that as a yes." I said awkwardly.

As I made my way past her, I felt a thin object blocked me from doing so by the stomach. It was a cane. My eyes trailed the cane and soon made contact with Mrs Cathral washout eyes. She lifted her hand to my face to reveal a shiny silver stopwatch.She then said,"You are 0.03s late deary."and smiled. Man and you still wonder why you're still single YOU COLD-HEARTED FU-----

*Ring Ring* The third period bell rang. I was standing outside my classroom, bags were piled outside. I threw my bag and ploundered through my stuff for my materials.

"I can't believe I missed 30 minutes of the exam because of that smiling tiger. My brain cannot even--- no no Akane, its fine, its fine.You've worked hard for this exam. I mean what else could possibly go wrong." I said to myself. And well...thats when shit got worse.I forgot my calculator.

I then remembered hearing a giggle from my brother earlier on. Had he known this? Did he purposely sabotage me? Either way I'm gonna make sure he gets the biggest butt-whooping of a lifetime.


I took in a deep breath and opened the door of my classroom. Everyone was too focused on their paper to even notice my arrival. I guess thats for the best. My shirt wasn't fully buttoned up, my tie wasn't adjusted properly and for my was just a mess. I'm surprised Mrs EnjoyRuiningPeople'sLives didn't detain me for that. But I guess she knew that me embarassing myself in a class full of people will the the ultimate satisfying punishment. That bitch.

The only person in the entire class who was judging me, was probably the teacher in charge for the period. She just looked at me, shook her head and reached for my script on the desk behind her which she then handed to me.

I walked to my desk and wrote my name, class and index. And as I turned the page of the script, I knew I was screwed.


Soz if I keep editing this chapter cuz i'm just not satisfied with the end result cuz I know it can be better.

Anyway...if you like where this story is going,it never hurts to vote, comment or share.It really helps.☺

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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