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"In this world, some are born with power. With strength. Born with the power of monsters. Some think this is unfair, that it is harsh or cruel in some way. They assume that people who are physically strong have no weaknesses, no flaws in their life. They are wrong. Make no mistake, out of the children of monsters, only the most truly strong among them may survive their bestial side."

The woman gazed down upon her newborn child, watching as he gently wriggled his toes in his sleep. She could vaguely make out the sounds of the village going on behind her, but she ignored them, focusing solely on her slumbering child. She sang an old song to herself as she quietly cradled the newest member of her family.

She began shifting in her rocking chair, preparing to get up and place the baby in his cot. As she started moving upright, something about the child caught her eye. She squinted at the boy's hand, and she could just make out... lightning? A spark jumping from finger to finger? She shook her head. It must have been a trick of the light. Although, come to think about it, there was an old wives' tale in her family about children who were born with the powers of Zinogres...

Ah! A name! That was it!

She leaned over, placing her sleeping son in his cot.

"Sleep now, little Zin. And may you face the world and come out unscathed."

Author's Note:

First attempt at writing a fanfic! Always wanted to try my hand at it... Heh. Anyway, I'm afraid to say that I don't have a schedule for updates, so this'll just be posted whenever. But I will try to finish this! Long chapters btw, this is just a prologue. Criticism and comments are appreciated! See y'all soon!

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