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He gazed lovingly at the dark-haired beauty sprawled across his lap and a warm smile graced his lips. Her eyes suddenly flutters open and she flashed him a wide grin and he was a goner.

"Morning"She yawned softly and snuggled close to him.

He mumbled a reply as he stroke her chin gently.

He'd fallen hard for her and he wasn't supposed to.

The reality of the situation hit him as he pulled his bulky frame up from the bed and moved to the window.

Ian Parker was sent to a small town in North Carolina with one mission. Find the hideout of Max Briggs, the man who had stole a huge amount of money from the most cruel and powerful businessman in the whole North America, Antonio Guerra.

He was known around the world for his multi-million dollar company but he also ran an illegal business underground. He smuggled hard drugs into the state and sold it to potential buyers. He'd never been caught because he had connections everywhere from the government to the police. In broad daylight he was sucessful businessman but underground he was a powerful drug lord. He could be nice and warm when he wanted to be but you don't fuck him up unless the consequences could be deadly and Max Briggs was among the unfortunate people caught in his trap.

Ian was undoubtedly the best person for the job and was chosen personally by his dad. It was no surprise that he was related to him since they shared the same attributes. He was cruel and unforgiving and hated being fucked over. He was not going to let him get away this time.

He had recieved a call from his father immediately he arrived.

"You know your mission. Don't fuck it up Ian. Make friends with the locals, explore the town and find Max Briggs"His voice dripped of venom as he instructed.

"What exactly are you going to do with him if I eventually find him?"Ian had asked cautiously.

"That depends on my mood by then"He let out a humourless laugh.

Ian was never told details of his father's operations, he was only given orders. He wondered what his father would do to Max if he finds him. He'll just have to wait and see.

He did exactly as he was ordered. The town was a close-knit community and it was obvious he was a stranger around these parts. He made friends with them and managed earn their trust before he'd started inquiring about Max Briggs. Most of them just avoided the topic and for some unknown reason refused to talk about him.
He then found a diner where most of the townsfolk go to hangout and drink. Grabbing the opportunity, he went to the diner and then he met her.


She was all he's ever wished for and that was more reason to stay away from her.

She had a compelling dark hair and fiery hazel eyes. She was slim but had curves in the right places and had a smile which could brighten up a room.

He'd developed physical attraction to her just by meeting her once and knew he had to stay away from her at all cost. He had a mission and he wasn't going to let anything or any woman for that matter; come in his way. The sooner he got this over with, the better.

So he avoided the diner at all cost but being a small town he couldn't avoid her for much long. They bumped into each other numerous times and she was bent on engaging him in a conversation. Slowly he began to warm up to her and eventually it started to grow into something much more; something dangerous.

He knew he had to stop this before it was to late. He had to leave her before she saw his true colours. She'll be really terrified if she knew why he was in this town and would eventually discover the demons hidden inside him. She was so nice and good hearted and he didn't deserve someone like her; he had to stop seeing her.

Angela Briggs just knew there was something the handsome but mysterious stranger was hiding. What could he be doing in our town?. Having lived here throughout her life she knew her town didn't boast of much tourists so what could he be doing here.

Since the first day she set her eyes on him she felt a swirl of emotions. He was dark and handsome and he had this mysterious aura about him. That didn't deter her from having a huge crush on him. She always looked forward to seeing him and each time he came she felt derilious and light headed. It was like being a teenager all over again.

Despite the fact that he barely spoke to her, she made it a mission to make him talk and force a response out of him. She made considerable progress until one day he stopped coming to the diner.

Days went by and no sign of Ian.

She knew she had more pressing matters to worry about than a silly infatuation with a total stranger; like her father's health but she couldn't help it. The feelings grew by the day and when she couldn't take it anymore; she took matter into her own hands and went to the hotel he stayed.

His reaction on seeing her was what she expected; anger, confusion and another emotion and couldn't quite make out.

"What are doing here"He'd growled and she shifted uneasily.

"I don't know"She'd muttered but she didn't expect what came next. His lips came crashing down on hers roughly and passionately. He'd kissed her longingly venting out all his emotions into the kiss.

That was were trouble began for both of them.


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