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Ian knew he shouldn't have kissed her but he did all the same. He forgot what brought him here, he forgot his orders. Right now, they were the only ones that mattered.

But after recieving an impromptu call from his father asking why he was taking to long, he knew he had to leave her even if she'd said those three words that destroyed him completely.

I love you.

He resumed his mission and asked around again and this time he recieved an information that shattered him.

Angela was Max's daughter.

He had no idea because they only knew each other on first name basis.

How could he complete his mission when he was falling in love with the enemy's daughter. It left him devastated as he thought of a way through this dangerous situation.

Angela invited him to dinner at her place. She was eager to introduce him to her father. Even though he had warned her countless times not bring any strangers to their house. He had told her that very bad people were out to get him so she needed to be cautious but Ian wasn't a stranger.

She loved him.

Ian was shocked to see the state of the old man his father was out to get. He looked frail and vulnerable and all he wanted to do was help him out of his predicament. If Antonio gets his hands on him, there was no telling what he could do. It turned out the poor man had stolen the money to pay his wife's medical bill but she died all the same. Part was from the illness and was also from the shock of what Max did.

He knew what he had to do.

He needed to leave her and then convince his father to overlook the old man's costly mistake.

He wasn't good for Angela and he didn't deserve such a nice and caring lady.

Which led him here now. Slipping out of the room as she got into the shower, he left a note and drove back to the hotel and realized he was too late; his father had already arrived.

"Good job my son"He beamed"You've found the traitor. My men are headed there right now"

"How did you know?"He gulped.

"Not necessary"He brushed him off as he stretches his hands towards him"Let's go have a toast to a successful mission"

His men were headed there right now.


She read the short note Ian left her over and over again.

"I'm sorry"

Was all he said. What went wrong? What was he sorry for? Why was he doing this?

She didn't get her answers when suddenly the door was kicked open and several bulky men filled her house. She remained glued to the spot as they scanned the house and made for her dad who was resting on his rocking chair. She let out a shrill scream and the next thing she saw were stars as she passed out.

She woke up on a soft bed and tried to make for the door but realized she was handcuffed. She let the tears flow freely as she thought frantically.

So this were the bad people her dad was talking about. She knew he was involved in some illegal business so what could he have done? What would they do to her and her dad?

Minutes later Ian bursts into the room and dashed over to her side with a frown on his face.

"Angela"He called urgently"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"No but they've got my dad"She cried"Please don't let them hurt him. Please"

Ian felt devastated as he soothed her"It's okay everything is going to be alright"

She sniffled and calmed down eventually"Wait a second"She pushed him away roughly.

"You knew about this didn't you?"She gasped in horror as realization hit her"You were a part of this. You monster!"

She broke down again and his heart fell. He hated seeing her like this. She had every right to be mad at him because he should've told her sooner.

When Max was brought to the hotel, Ian realized the full truth of the matter. Max had gone to Antonio for assistance due to his wife's condition but was denied. He later resorted to stealing some goods to make money.

He eventually lost everything, his wife, his job and he couldn't payback what he stole so he hid. Even right now he had no money. Ian offered to pay him back but Antonio was adamant. He wanted to take something very special to him which was his beautiful daughter Angela.

Ian lost it.

He knew he could ruin him so he threatened to expose him once and foreall because as wide as his influence was, they were some authorities out for him and could press charges against him. So Antonio had no choice but to accept his offer stating how weak he was doing this for a woman.

He agreed becuase he realized he did love her and would never do anything to hurt her.

"I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you Angela but i did"He confessed"I love you so damn much and I'm crazy about you"

She was speechless as she stared into his eyes"But why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me about it sooner?"She inquired.

"I was confused. I knew I loved you but I was fighting it so hard. I just had to make that choice to protect you and your father"

"Oh Ian"She burst into tears"I love you. Promise me you'll never leave me again"

"I promise"He smiled as his heart swelled with happiness "I love you Angela and I'm really sorry"

Their lips met as a reaffirmation of their love and trust was rebuilt. It reaffirmed their love which was unbreakable and would last forever.

Total words:998

Grand total:1,981


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