美しい光 (Beautiful Light)

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💫 Sora's POV 💫
I have always love looking at lights ever since I can remember. I don't know why maybe it's the way they shine that makes them look pretty. As I walk home from after school I noticed someone he was tall with silver long hair. He was waiting for the bus to arrive and may I say he truly look wonderful with those lights above him. It sorta gave him more of a glow. Well I should hurry the bus is right at the corner as it arrive I get on and so does he.

💫 Riku's POV 💫
I know who he is I known him since we were little we grew up in the same island Destiny island (it a simple and quiet island it's nice). This guy's name is Sora meaning sky. While my name is Riku meaning land. You know the sky always meets the land when u look at the clouds. Looking at the stars and the clouds has always made me happy. But inside of the bus there is only lights. This light were bright but not so much but everything seemed beautiful everything even him. To bad my stop is before his. So I got up and said "Have a good night Sora" he looked at me confused at first but then he blush. Once I got of I just walk home smiling.

💫 Sora's POV 💫
I asked myself "How did he know my name? Why?How?" I just kept thinking but to be honest it made me happy considering that I know Riku since we were kids. At the age of 13 I developed a crush on him. As the bus arrive to my stop I thought to myself "One day I will have the courage to tell him one day." Once I got home I look at my light and said "Such beautiful lights." then I headed to bed.

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