a voice, a guitar, and rain

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Yixing halt in his steps when he hears a sob coming from the living room in their dorm. It was past midnight, the last time he sees the clock was 1 AM. So it's probably one past ten now. He woke up from his sleep to make some tea, yearning for some warmth that the blanket didn't give. However he didn't expect to hear a crying sound.
He was surprised when he heard someone sniffling, a small choked sob can be heard and Yixing felt his chest clenching.

Who is that? Why do you sound so sad?

Quietening his steps, he peeks to see the person whom make the sounds in early morning. His lips were pulled into a frown when he notices who it was. Oh Sehun. His dear didi, and maybe more, but the younger doesn't have to know that. He doesn't have to tell him. He just has to know Yixing's always here for him.

He bites his lower lip while thinking, should he go there and ask what happened? Should he go there and hug him? Should he tell the others?

But then he realize something. He snap his gaze towards the balcony — it was raining. And he finds himself smiling gently at the sight. But it disappear just as quick as it appear. "Are you crying because he's crying?" The sky doesn't answer him, it keeps on letting its tears fall to the ground. Some falling on the trees, as if those are there to hold the tears.

Yixing avert his eyes towards Sehun who was still crying, hands covering his face and Yixing feels his hands trembling at that. It's too much. He can't bear this. Sehun's pain is Yixing's pain too.

But he doesn't have to know that. He just has to know that Yixing's always here.

Stepping inside slowly, he softly lets out a, "Sehun-ah," as if afraid his voice will break him further. The younger looks up to meet Yixing's soft orbs in shock, embarassed the older finds him in this state. His red eyes and wet cheeks do some twisting in his chest again, his glassy eyes remind Yixing of the sky. And then it struck into him. Those water drops aren't rain, they are tears.

"H–Hyung? I'm sorry, did I wake you?" His voice is so small, and soft, and hurt and Yixing can't believe he's saying sorry.

"Come with me." Yixing said, turning around and glance over his shoulder to make sure the younger follows him. He is, trying to keep his sniffling as quiet as possible. He sits on the chair at the balcony, a soft smile painted on his features when the cold wind graze his face. He takes his guitar when Sehun sits on the other chair, inhaling softly. They didn't say anything, no words were needed. Their balcony was small, but it was enough. The members usually would spend their time in here, chatting away, laughing their hearts out with tea's and soft music. But right now, it's different.

The sky was still dark, the city lights shining below it. The crystal drops making it more enchanting, and Yixing loves it. In his peripheral vision, he can see the younger has stop crying, the redness in his cheeks were the same as the one on his nose and his eyes.

Gently positioning his fingers on the strings, he strum the strings in a slow, soothing rhythm, and he feels his body leaning more into the chair. "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry." His voice was as beautiful as the rain, and they sounded so well together. Yixing's not the only one comforting him, the rain does too.

The younger glance at the older when he sings, "You don't know how lovely you are." Yixing's eyes didn't meet his, he was staring at the sky. But his words were meant for him. But Sehun doesn't have to know that. He doesn't have to tell him. He just has to know Yixing's always here for him.

"Nobody said it was easy." Sehun follows his hyung's eyes, casting his eyes upwards to watch the glassy sky letting its heart out. Sehun feels calm. The rain did that — Yixing did that. His voice, a guitar, crystal drops. They did it.

"Questions of science, science and progress. Do not speak as loud as my heart." Yixing doesn't know if all of this making him feel relaxed or just want to cry. It was both.

"Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me," Sehun's smiling. "Oh and I rush to the start." It was nice. Somehow the rain didn't wind over his voice with its loudness, rather it was singing with him. It was a perfect duet.

"Nobody said it was easy." Sehun knows. "No one ever said it would be so hard." Yixing knows. "I'm going back to the start."

And then he stops, breathing in the scent of the rain mixed with soils and plants. He loves it, maybe as much as he loves the younger. But he doesn't have to know that, he just has to know Yixing's always here for him. The rain didn't stop when Yixing did, it continues to sing, and Yixing find himself smiling along with Sehun. It was beautiful. Sehun's beautiful.

Standing up from his seat, he reach over Sehun, running his hand through his hair in a way he knows how Sehun loves it. He cradles his face in his hands, smiling fondly as their eyes meet, caressing his cheek with his thumb he says, "Feeling better?"

"I do." Yixing didn't stop holding him, and Sehun doesn't want him to. "Hyung," he said, voice so small he barely hears its "Hyung," when did his voice become so pained like this? "Ge," and then he was crying again, burying his face in Yixing's chest. The older sighs softly while holding him tight, rocking their bodies to the right and left. This time he didn't sing, he lets the rain does the melody.

"I'm here, Sehun-ah, I'm always here." He whispered.

"I know." Sehun knows.

"Good." He lands a kiss on the top of his hand, loving the softness of Sehun's hair. Of how he smells. Of how he feels in his arms.

"Ge, not there." Yixing frowns in confussion at the muffled sound. What does he mean? Pulling away slowly, his eyes meet Sehun's warm orbs. He sees a lot of emotions in there. He also sees an emotion he's never seen in Sehun's eyes before.

Love. Is it?

"Here," he places his index finger on his lip, and Yixing grins so wide he didn't think it was possible. He leans down to capture the younger's lips, and he feels him smile in their kiss.

Yixing doesn't has to tell him, because Sehun already knows.

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