the special one

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Sehun's known as a touchy maknae, yearning for affection and loves to give them. Yixing both love and loathe that. At one side, it makes him feel those fuzzly feelings when the maknae holds his hand out of the blue, or land a kiss on his cheek. But on the other side, it confuses Yixing. Because he does that too to the other members. It makes him wonder, does Sehun likes him or he's just being his usual self?

He continues to watch the younger who's holding Jongin's hand, head leaning on Chanyeol's shoulder while Junmyeon feeds him his favorite mac and cheese — a meal Kyungsoo made. Minseok is sitting on the floor (although the members tried to make him sit on the sofa and let them be the one on the floor, he insisted on sitting there), leaning his head on Sehun's knee. Yixing avert his gaze towards the TV instead, and he can see Sehun raising his and Jongin's intertwined hands to kiss it from the corner of his eyes. He tries not to let it get into him. He tries to shake the churning feeling inside him, he tries not to frown. Sehun does that to everyone. Even though it was endearing for him kissing his brothers, it was still painful to see. And yes, to put it simply, Yixing is jealous. He's not going to deny it.

"Do you want roasted peach tea, Sehun-ah? I have some." Yixing heard Kyungsoo asked, ruffling the younger's hair.

"No, Hyung. Thank you." Sehun smiles up at him, Kyungsoo returning it before heading ro his room. He's adorable, Yixing thinks. Too bad the smile wasn't for him.

They hear the door beep the way it is when someone entered the code, and then there were Jongdae and Baekhyun holding plastic bags on their hands, full of snacks and other things the members needed. "We're back!" Baekhyun yelled.

"Go away!"

"Ah, Kyungsoo, always welcoming me home with love."

"Baek Hyung, Chen Hyung, come join us." Sehun said, waving his arm as a come here gesture towards the two men. Baekhyun catch his eyes and offer him a grin, heading towards him before pecking his head.

"Hey, Maknae. We bought your favorite snack." He waves the package in front of Sehun, making the younger widen his eyes in surprise and taking it from him.

"Woah, you're the best! Thank you so much." Yixing ignores the churning again. Baekhyun's the best one, according to Sehun. Yixing already knows he's not Sehun's favorite, so why does it still hurt?

Yixing slap himself for being so sappy.

Noticing something, he raises to his feet and walk towards Jongdae, helping him carry the groceries and placing them in the fridge. Jongdae was crouching down when he arrived, looking up in surprise. Mouth forming an 'O' that is adorable and very Jongdae-like. "Hey, Xing Hyung."

"Welcome back, Didi." Yixing smiles when Jongdae engulfs him in a hug, kissing his cheek right where his dimple is. "Thank you for buying these. You don't have to, you know."

"It's alright, I don't mind. Especially if it's for you." Yixing chuckles at that, rocking their body to the right and left.

"You're the best, Di." He really adores this guy.

"I know. Now c'mon." Jongdae intertwine their hands together as they head back towards the living room, only to find the same position except now with a sprawled Baekhyun on the floor with his head on Minseok's lap. Yixing smiles fondly at the sight, Baekhyun always make sure to not let anyone feel left off in the group.

Yixing's eyes raise to meet Sehun's, finding the younger frowning at him. He can sees the sadness in his orbs, and Yixing almost halt in his steps in worry because what cause that? Who made him sad?

But then he felt a tug on his hand, making him fall and land on Jongdae's lap, the younger grinning when the older lets out a small yelp. "What the heck, Di."

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