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I felt the slightest nudge on my shoulder as I started to open my eyes to the world again.  A boy a few years older than myself stood over me in his flight attendant uniform.  He stood over me with fixed features, and a slight grin.  

"Ma'am.  I am sorry to wake you but we have landed in Los Angeles, and I need you to go out to the gate."

"Okay.  Sorry.  I did not think I'd fall asleep."

I quickly picked up my stuff and grabbed my bag from below my seat.  I then reached overhead to grab the rest of my bags.  I walked out to the entrance of the gate, and proceeded to the pick up area of the LAX airport.  

As I walked, I passed many people.  Some were just like me.  Young, and traveling on their own.  Some of the faces looked familiar from my own flight.  As I continued walking, I found a sign with my own name on it.  Kacy Sanders.  I walked over to the man holding up the sign.

"That's me."

"Right this way, ma'am."

I followed the man as he retreated down an escalator, and out the a garage filled with many cars of all shapes and sizes.  He continued to a medium-sized car, blue all over.  He opened the trunk and motioned for me to leave my stuff next to it.  And then proceeded to open the door for me.  

"Thank you!"

He finished putting the bags in the back and then got in the car and we drove out of the airport.  After about a 10-15 minute drive, he pulled in to the front of a hotel.  He grabbed all my bags and put them inside, and then helped me out of the car.  

"You're destination, madam."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

He got back in his car, and left the area.  I walked inside of the hotel titled Marriott.  This was Michael's hotel.  Or more specifically the hotel where all the boys from Boy Band lived during the show.  

I walked over to the lobbyist, and then checked my phone for my hotel information. I didn't get any email while I was on the plane, and hadn't actually checked anytime before that.  


I looked up as a young woman looked at me with curious eyes.  She had dark brown hair, and blue eyes that looked like water.  


"Ah.  You must be Kacy Sanders.  We have been told you would be arriving later than our usual guests."

"I'm glad someone had this all figured out."

"Well.  Here is your key card to your room.  It is #32.  It is on floor #3.  Make yourself at home during your stay here.  In your room you will find all other information.  If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to come right back down."

"Thank you!"

I turn to grab my bags when I realize since I got here they disappeared.  I turned back around as the lady seemed to have giggled at me while I had turned my head.

"You must have never come to our hotel chain before."

"No.  I haven't."

"Well.  Don't be afraid your baggage was stolen.  We have bellboys whose job is to transport luggage to rooms.  It makes the hefty lift, no weight at all."

"Oh.  Okay." 

I pick up my shiny gold card from the desk, and spin to face the elevators.  I walk over and press the button labeled 3.  The elevator beeps and opens revealing a brush of sweet, tropical scent.  As I peer it's inside, I smile.  The elevator itself contains a full gold interior, with buttons that are pink.  

Ding.  Ding.  Ding.

After the gold doors open once more I arrive on my floor.  I walk out and peer down the doors for my own door labeled 32.  I walk about 15 feet from the elevators and turn to face a door with the shiny numbers 32 on it.  I scan the card, and walk inside.

I can't help but let my eyes expand.  The room is huge in size.  The room has a balcony over looking a beautiful scene of Los Angeles below me.  The room has a large bed, fluffed up with many colorful pillows. 

I drop my bag and take a running leap onto the bed.  All of the pillows fly up into the air and I squeal a little bit watching them come down.  As I rest on the cushion of the bed, a knock comes to my door.  I leap back up and walk to the door opening it.  

"You're bags."

"Thank you!"

The young man puts the bags just inside my door, and then bows and leaves.  He practically runs to the elevator and back downstairs for another trip.  

I explore the room a little more and come to a small desk with many papers on it.  Many from the hotel and it's amenities.  There is one paper with small lettering on it.  

Dear Kacy,

Welcome to the Marriott hotel.  We are pleased to meet you tomorrow at our company head quarters.  We are so glad you had a safe flight, and that you agreed to this with such short notice.  We can not wait to meet you.  We have heard so many good things from different people about you and your music.  And we want you to know that, the treatment you are receiving, all of our clients have receiving during this part in their career.  Enjoy the rest of your day.  Explore, have fun.  And we will see you tomorrow morning.  There will be a car waiting to escort you to us tomorrow morning as well.


Hollywood Records

I examine the letter a little more before plopping back on the bed.  It's too late to explore, and I was very tired after the flight.  Jet lag didn't help much either.  Before speaking or acting, I started to drift off into a very deep sleep.  And after about a minute, the room turned to pitch black, and I was in my deep rest.  

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