Chapter 7

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A/N: before you read this. This part will contain cussing and abusing!!! So if you don't enjoy this then don't read before the end!!! {Emilija} 🥰

Your POV
"Right before everyone gets confused as to why the hell I grabbed a mic. I need to ask y/n one simple thing." I was confused what he was about to say. I was absolutely nervous...

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" His voice cracked a bit. I looked at him. He gave me the mic and went to Hunter and Chyna who looked disappointed. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I luckily controlled my breathing.

the crowd booed me so much it actually brought tears to my eyes.

'Oh my god I'm a fucking idiot I totally forgot about JAKE! Everyone hates me anyways'

"You now hate me. Not gonna lie I hate myself too.. Shawn I completely forgot I had a boyfriend... but you treat me more of a boyfriend than he ever did! And I wouldn't ever want to hurt you.. but clearly I'm the stupidest person on this planet and I did exactly just that.. and I'm glad you don't abuse every damn time you see me...I'm sorry I broke your heart...I'm breaking my own heart as I'm speaking.." I cried and left to go backstage.

Before I could even go between the ropes someone grabbed my wrist. I looked at who it was and it was Chyna.

"Don't leave like that. Go and hug Shawn. He still loves you trust me." I nodded and went to Shawn. "I'm sorry I act" I cut him off by kissing him on the lips.

It wasn't long till he kissed me back I jumped and wrapped my legs around Shawn's waist and his arms were around my waist whilst my arms were around his neck.

We both pulled away and we put our foreheads on each other. "I love you y/n" Shawn said smiling "can that smile stop getting me every damn time. I love you too Shawn" Shawn laughed and put me down.

"I hope it keeps on getting you every time cause I just wanna see my precious girlfriend smile every single time she lays her eyes on me" Shawn said smirking. The crowd cheered and booed so loud it was unbelievable.

"Okay love birds we gotta go backstage" Hunter chuckled. "Right let's get going then" I chuckled and grabbed Shawn's hand and left backstage.

For some reason I wanted to find Stephanie so I let go of Shawn's hand and went to my locker room. "Where you going babe?" I turned around to see Shawn jogging towards me.

"I'm going to find my sister I need to talk to her. I'll go to your locker room after Okay?" I kissed his lips and after we broke it off he nodded and smiled.

'I cannot believe that after he found out that I have a boyfriend he is STILL acting like he didn't know and everything is okay'

I truly love Shawn with all my heart.

I went inside the locker room and I saw Jake...
'Oh shit...please don't do anything please don't do anything'

"hey babe. Or shall I call you y/n?" Jake said gritting his teeth. "Look I wanted to talk to you but you never seemed To care." I explained. Jake got closer and he locked the door behind me. I was by the wall he held up his fist and luckily I reacted fast enough and moved out the way so he would hit the wall which made a really really big hole.

I grabbed my phone that was on top of the table and quickly told Stephanie I was locked because Jake had locked the door. Sooner or later Stephanie opened the door with security and they arrested him.

"Oh and by the way Jake. We're over" I yelled as they left to put Jake in Jail.

As soon as Shawn came in I burst into tears.
"Hey it's okay, he's gone and I'm here to protect you and you're safe with me" he smiled as I looked up at him.

"You're the best. You know that right?" I smiled as I hugged Shawn and he hugged back.

"I know that already. But do you know that I love you so much?" He smirked. I giggled and just kissed him on the lips and obviously he kissed back.

Stephanie left and shut the door so that me and Shawn could have some alone time.

We basically had some 'fun' if you know what I mean *wink wink* then let's just say Shawn got to go back the McMahon household and sleepover.

We were all watching a movie. And my dad decided to put a horror movie. As we were watching. I kept getting scared so I kept on cuddling closer into Shawn whenever there was a jump scare.

We all decided to go to bed. So Shawn went with me to my room whilst my parents and siblings went into theirs.

"I cannot believe that after all the shit you've been through today. You still love me" I said as I went to bed beside Shawn.

"I don't care if you put me through anymore shit. As long as I am beside you and I know I have you in my arms. Then I'm happy" Shawn whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled closer to Shawn.

"I love you Shawn" I whispered.

"I love you too Y/n" Shawn whispered back as he kissed my forehead and we both drifted off to sleep..


Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!! I have so more ideas coming your way so be prepared for more drama!!!

Hope you have/had a good morning/afternoon/evening/night 🥰

Wherever you are in the world 🥰

🥰 {Emilija} 🥰

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