Interrupted Art Supplies

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She was ordinary before she met him, or at least that's what she thought. With plain brown hair, that was almost always pulled up into a pony tail and startling bright blue eyes, Alice Whitman was a 22 year old artist. Well, it was more of a hobby rather than a career, having made next to no money from the works that she created. In order to make the money that she needed in order to live off of, she worked in an art gallery. It was small and didn't get many people visiting, but Alice was still able to enjoy what she loved and that was art.

Alice was a very shy person and doesn't usually speak unless spoken to, she walked with small steps and she always seemed to have her head in the clouds which usually meant that she bumped into other people while walking along the street. Her normal outfits consisted of torn or paint splattered jeans, a t-shirt, a pair of white converse that she had drawn on with sharpies, plus in the summer she wore a jean jacket over her shirt. However she wore a parka and longs sleeves come the winter time.

Alice wasn't one for much adventure, she didn't like doing new things, or running around worrying about what would happen. She liked her order and routine, the time that she had to make tough choices. If you were to ask any of her friends or family they'd tell you that she wasn't one for impulsive decisions. Alice would almost always wait at least two weeks to a month before making any large purchases. She was a sweet, kind girl. Always looking out for others and making sure they had what they needed. Alice could never stand by and watch someone in pain, she'd always do what she could to help. At least that much he didn't change.

Then came the day that Alice met him, she didn't know it at the time, but she was about to become more important than she ever imagined. It was a Saturday; Alice didn't have to work on the weekends. As she had planned she got out of bed and quickly made it, so that it looked appeasing to the eye. She liked things to be clean and orderly. She lazily walked down the hall of her tiny flat, where she lived alone, and into the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. Alice sat down in the small armchair she had positioned to be next to the window. She watched the snow drift by her and down into the little London streets below her. She smiled for she knew that Christmas was only a month away, and if there was anything that cheered her up; it would be going to Surry to visit her family for Christmas.

She sat there until she had finished her tea, then she got up and left it in the sink before heading to her bedroom in order to get changed. Alice stepped out of her nice, warm, and comfy pyjamas that consisted of bright blue plaid flannel bottoms and a black hoodie over top of a plain black tank top. Alice walked over to her small closet and picked out what she would normally wear for her days off, this included; paint spattered jeans, a graphic tee shirt that had the Avengers on it and over top she wore her smock that she always wore when she was painting. As she walked into the small separate room that was her studio, she buttoned up her smock. There was colour everywhere in her studio. Paints and paintings were scattered everywhere. It calmed her to be around it all. She sat at the stool in front of the painting that she was working on. It had a small amount of colour, it was a simple monochromatic skyline of London. It was painted in blue acrylics. However surprise surprise, the moment she sat down in front of the easel Alice found that she was out of the one shade of blue that she used most.

With a groan she dragged herself off of the stool and into the front foyer. Luckily there was a small art shop only a few blocks aways from the flat. Alice quickly pulled on her sharpie converse and shucked off her smock before pulling on her very used parka that she had owned for more than three years now. She walked outside and was immediately greeted with a blast of cold air. Sometimes she loved winter, yet sometimes she hated it. Alice loved the snow, however it was the cold she had a problem with. Which wasnt the best because London got very few snow and a whole hell of a lot of cold.

Alice had put her hood up against tue cold wind and shoved her hands into her pockets. The small side streets that were winding in throuhout her flat and others, were almost deserted. Only the occasional single person strollong along the sidewalks was to be found. Alice turned the corner onto the main street where her usual art store was. It was as busy as could be expected on a Saturday morning. She weaved in and out of all the faceless people.

Glancing up only occasionally to see how far it was until she reached the art store. However the one time her eyes glaced up they met those of a very handsome stranger who was walking straight in her direction. He was an odd looking man with brown hair that suck up in the middle of his head. he wore a brown suit with a trench coat over top. His deep, old brown eyes seemed to look straight into hers. The closer the pair got the more intense and determined the man seemed to be. Right as they were about to pass one another the man grabbed Alice's arm and turned her around while he whispered in her ear, "Just keep walking and don't say a word." Alice obeyed and didn't say a word until the man turned and pulled her into an alley before pushin her up against the wall of the building next to them. Before she could say a word however, the man put his hand over her mouth as if he knew that she was about to say somthing.

They were standing there for approximatly five minutes before two men in suits walked by the alley. Although Alice couldn;t quite say that they walked past the alley since they did not in fact have any feet. The lower half of their bodies were the tail end of a snake. Yet their torsos and heads were those of a man. The half snake men passed the alley and didn't seem like they were going to be coming back. Alice and the man still stood there for a few moments. Alice was clentching and unclentching her fists while here breath was coming very fast and heavy. It wasn't everyday that you get swept up by a handsome stranger and supposidly running away from half snake men. After he was sure that the two men had gone, the man stepped back and took his hand off from over her mouth. "Sorry about that" he sopke in a very calming manner yet the words he used and the way he phrased his sentances seemed to inform her that this man was an authority figure, and most people would listen when given instructions. "I'm sure you have many questions, I'll be sure to awnser as many as I can"

"Who are you" Was the first imple question to come out of her mouth, yet she never realized how complicated and dangerous that question was.

"I'm The Doctor" He said in reply. That didn't awnser her question at all, but only made her simply more confused.

"Doctor Who?"

"Just The Doctor"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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