Dumb Jeff

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Me : So I read the dare and it said Jeff  you jealous of Liu and Jane because they had crushes on each other.

Jeff : I never get jealous of anyone

Jane : Jeff everyone gets jealous

Jeff : Not me

Ben : Oh uh

Jane : Will see

*Liu walks in *

Liu : Hey

Jane : Hey Liu I'm cold can you hold me

Liu : Yes

*Liu holds Jane and Jeff's eye twitches *

Jane : Is there something wrong Jeff

Jeff : No nothing

Jane : OK . Oh Liu can I wear your hoodie

Liu : Yeah

* Liu takes off his hoodie and gives it to Jane *

Jane : Thanks

Jeff : Is that the best you got .

Jane : Hey Liu later can you help pick out a new bra

* Jeff eye twitches a lot *

Liu : Yeah

Ben : This is going to end bad

* Liu kisses Jane cheek *

Liu : Your mine now

*Liu starts to hug Jane tighter and Jeff eye is twitches like crazy *

Jane : What's wrong Jeff

Jeff : Oh nothing but your knife is stuck in the tree so I think you should go get it

Jane : Liu can you get it

Liu : Yeah

* Liu goes out and then Jeff goes out with a gun *

Jeff : That motherfucker is going to die again

* Jeff start to shoot at Liu *

Jane : Oh my god Jeff

Jeff : You are mine mine mine  No one can have you but me  mine mine mine

Jane : OK

* Jeff takes Liu hoodie off of Jane and set it in fire and takes her upstairs. *

Me : OK bye

Ben : Leave dares truths and questions

Liu : Bye

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