There's still hope

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Authors Note- So this is my second book after this was the most requested, I'll get round to publishing the oneshots at some point but for now- we have this one which I hope you all enjoy!


This was Peters worst nightmare. May- his last living relative, his rock, his world. Was dead. Killed in a home intrusion, and Peter wasn't there to stop it from happening. When he found May, he phoned the Police as he knew in his heart that she was really gone. And in his mind it was all his fault. When the Police came they questioned Peter, took Mays body and told him to pack his bags whilest they waited outside to give him some privacy as he would be taken to the nearest orphanage. So, Peter packed as many clothes (not forgetting his suit) as he could into his duffel bag, then he went into Mays room with another duffel bag and took: her favourite outfit, her blanket and dressing gown, as many of Ben's clothes as he could find, the photo albums, his uncle's watch and backpack and the wedding rings of May, Ben and his parents. With that, he wiped his eyes that just never seemed to stop spilling tears, picked up his duffels bag and his school bag and got into the police car to make his way to 'Jenny's Orphanage' where he would no doubt be spending the rest of his childhood- which was only three years. The police had told him that they would have to check his family tree to check if Peter did have any remaining relatives and that they would let him know the outcome of the check in about 3-4 days, even though Peter was certain that he already knew the answer to their search.

And that's where he was now. It had been 5 days and there was no word from the Police, he had began to lose hope. In his orphanage there was about 30 other kids and he was the oldest of them all. He was in a room of 5 other boys who were aged between 10 and 13. The Orphanage itself wasn't too bad- Miss Jenny was quite nice but strict at the same time and the two others who worked there Charlie and Jessica were lovely- they were all definately in the right job. They were very empathic as the kids who arrive have obviously been through a lot in life- not that Peter paid any attention, he was wrapped up in the guilt and grief from May's death and as a result hadn't been out as Spider-Man, he also hadn't been to school as they had excused him for a two weeks as the school knew of his extremely tragic past.

"Pete!" Charlie shouted up the stairs, breaking him from his thoughts "The Police are here!" Peter got up from his bunk and made his way downstairs.

"Mr Parker, we come baring good news." Peter looked at the officer in bewilderment. What could she mean good news? "We have managed to find a living relative of yours." Peters mouth hit the floor. Some actual luck for once rather than the usual 'Parker Luck' which had struck a few days prior.

"W-what relation have y-you f-found?" Peter stammered, he was in complete shock. He was no longer a complete orphan!

"We have found your Great Grandfather and he is willing to take you in, I am taking you today so can you go and pack your things so that we can leave?" The officer kindly asked him- she must be used to this by now and must have understood his position, Peter simply nodded and walked upstairs in the direction of his room. As he goes up to collect his bags as he hadn't yet unpacked; Peter began to wonder what he was like? He assumed that the relative was very old as he was a Great Grandfather. Peter also wondered if any of his other family knew about him and if they did why hadn't they told Peter about him. Peter wondered what his house was like and if he had his own room. Peter also wondered what would happen if his Great Grandfather found out about his nightly activites. But one thing Peter did know: he had to tell Ned.

He trudged back down the stairs with his three bags towards a smiling officer she simply nodded at Miss Jenny who had been obviously called as she was the owner of the Orphanage and had to authorise Peter's leaving and motioned for Peter to follow her. "Bye Miss Jenny, thank you all for having me, I appriciate it. Please tell Charlie and Jessica the same." Peter said to the middle-aged woman.

"Thank you for bring so well-behaved and mature, it was lovely having you here Peter. I hope your Great Grandfather treats you well. And don't worry, I'll pass the message on to them" She responded, with her sharp green eyes shining. Miss Jenny had a soft spot for all if the children in her orphanage and she believed in treating them right, and becoming like a parent to every child in her orphanage as best she could.

With that, he followed the officer out of the door and into the car. And drove off towards a new life with his Great Grandfather.

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