How You Met

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Tony Stark
You interned at his company and you slept together

Steve Rogers
You were at a diner and he walked in and bought you a strawberry milkshake

Bruce Banner
He was at a science convention and you bumped into him and you two talked about science for awhile.

Clint Barton
You were taking archery lessons and he helped you on your form

Thor Odinson
You were sitting in the park and he came a sat beside you.

Loki Laufeyson
You pulled a prank on your boss and met him at the trick shop.

Stephen Strange
You met before you had to get surgery on your knee

Peter Quill
You were dancing to Footloose and he came and danced with you

You were playing with black cats and he came and played with them too

Sam Wilson
You were running and he kept trying to lap you.

Bucky Barnes
You were at the gym and he walked in and kept trying to impress you.

Peter Parker
You were sitting and he tried to impress you but tripped and fell.

First Chapter??

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