Chapter 1

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"Momma?" The girl clung to her mother as they entered the office. Papers were scattered atop the desk, giving it a messy, unprofessional appearance. The light had been turned off so the room had a more dreary feel. It felt cold; dead.


"Stay here." The mom said in a hushed voice. 


"But I'll be here all awone." She whimpered, getting a tighter grasp on her mother's leg. The mom felt sympathy for the child but knew she could not have her hear the things that were to be said.


"Alice, please. I need to do this alone. Stay here, honey - I'll be right out." She gave a reassuring smile to the small girl. The girl's tiny frame trembled as she held in frightened sobs. She reluctantly let go and took a step back to look up at her mother.


"What's wrong, momma?" The child's wide, crystal blue eyes looked up in confusion.


"Nothing, sweetheart. I'll be right out." And with that, the mother had slipped silently behind the door, into a separate room. The toddler concentrated on the sounds drifting through the door and in the room, listening for any words or familiar voices. Almost like tuning in to a radio station, her mother's voice came clearly to her ears.


"Why did you want to meet here? This place went out of business ten years ago." Her mother voice started.


"I have so much to tell you but it has to be quick. Alice...she's different. She has an extremely wild imagination - maybe too much of one. Even from our first session, she's been telling me about all of these...these...creatures. And it's only getting worse."


"Slow down. I have no clue why you called me here when we could talk about this in your office back at Rellington." The mother's voice was filled with annoyance.


"I-I'm not sure. I have a feeling..." The other feminine voice trailed off.


"Tell me. If it's about my daughter, I have a right to know." 


"All of the stories she has told...I think she was telling truth." She whispered in an amazed voice.

" And haven't you noticed anything else? Her eyesight is perfect - she could see even the slightest flaw in my outfit or makeup that the naked eye should not be able to see. Her hearing - it's way above average. In fact, I bet she could hear us right now." 


"What are you talking about? My daughter is as normal as it gets." Her mother's voice hardened, bordering on defensive.


"I don't mean to offend you in any way, Ms. Liddell. I just...her mind - she's so intellegent. And she's only five years old! What she tells me - it shouldn't make sense but...I...I believe her." The quiet voice came to a halt. 


The child leaned forward, brushing her hand across brass doorknob. "Momma?" She whispered, tears brimming in her blue eyes. Everything they said, scared her. She was different? Special? People did not understand her thoughts...the things she sees. She sees them - all of them. Some were good, others were bad. Most were just there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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