A Cursed Puppies Love

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White Wolf Fan Fiction Presents:

~A Cursed Puppy's Love~

A Yu-Gi-Oh! Story


Title: A Cursed Puppy's Love

Words: 14, 860

Warnings: Yaoi (Boy Love), fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, and child abuse.

Pairings: Seto Kaiba/Joey Wheeler

Disclaimer: I own only the plot that my darling plot bunnies have given me. Joey, Seto, and the others do not belong to me.

Summary: Joey Wheeler is cursed: by day a human and by night a dog. This isn't even the worst of his problems though, especially not when he gets abused by his dad and picked on by his ultimate teenage, high school crush, Seto Kaiba. So what happens when he and Joey get locked in the school for a whole weekend? Well, let's find out, shall we?


~Joey Wheeler's Point of View~


My name is Joey Wheeler and I'm really just your average blonde haired, honey eyed teen from Japan. I go to Domino High with my best friends Yugi, Tristan, Duke, Ryou, and Tea; Yami, Bakura, Marik, and Malik go here too, but truth is, I don't ever really see much of them.

Now, allow me to let you in on a little secret: something that tells me apart from every other teen that goes here. See, the thing is, everyone thinks I'm normal; different from Yugi, or his boyfriend Yami, or hell, even Bakura, Marik, and Malik. This secret of mine, one that's been through my family on my mother's side for generations, is that I'm cursed.

Because while people may know who I am, they don't know what I am, not even my best friends. By day I'm human, but by night, I'm a dog; though if you ask me, I'm more of a puppy than a dog and ain't that just the cherry on top?

See though, it's not just my friends that don't know about the curse, because not even my dad knows. Though I can tell you right now, that's probably because he's always shit-faced with alohol that he can never really think straight. It's a no wonder my mom never told him though; a guy like him would flip out if he knew, so that's why I never told him either. But truth be told, I'm not sure if it's better if he does know, or if he doesn't.

That's another thing: since my dad is always drunk, he's always beating on me for any reason he can think up. One: when I come home in the morning after dissapearing for the night since he doesn't, and will never know I'm a dog. Two: because I didn't prepare dinner quick enough or I didn't clean well enough. Three: because I usually always got detentions and came home late. Or four, and this is the worst one: because he felt like it.

Now here's the thing, it wouldn't be so bad if it was just my dad doing any of this, but on top of that, I'm a victim of mental abuse from one Seto Kaiba, my worst enemy and probably the single most gorgeous guy in my school. All the girls fall for his rich boy looks and bad boy, 'I'll charm the pants of you', act, but I think thew worst of it is: I've fallen for it too. He hates me though, and I have to admit there are times that I hate him back, but really, he'd get suspicious if I didn't fight back all the time, and there was really no way in hell I'd ever let him know that I liked him.

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