chapter one

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You stared at your laptop's screen, gnawing on your bottom lip as you debated whether or not to purchase the item on the page.

Utimi Upgraded Silicone 10 Speed Vibrator.
$19.78 + free shipping.

You crossed your ankles and tapped your fingers against the desk you were seated at, still mulling over this decision. Did you really want to spend almost $20 on a vibrator when your hand could clearly do the trick?

It started a few nights ago, when you'd gone over to your friend's apartment for a wine night. A few of your close friends had gotten tipsy, and eventually—somehow—the conversation had dipped into sex. The friends hosting the get together gushed about how amazing their boyfriends were in bed, and you sat quietly while listening to a few others pipe up about their partners' unsatisfactory performance.

Then the topic of sex toys came up, mostly in response to some friends complaining about not always orgasming when being tangled up in their bedsheets with their partners.

"What about you, ____?" Yumi asked, nudging you with her foot.

"What about me?" you countered, shifting slightly.

"What kinds of toys do you use? Do you have any techniques to share?"

You thought about how to deflect, but your mind froze and you couldn't come up with any topic changers. You settled for shrugging your shoulders.

Jeongyeon opened her mouth in slight shock, leaning forward to see you better as she held her glass of wine haphazardly. "Wait, don't tell me—have you never used a toy?"

Your cheeks flushed, giving away your answer.

The group surrounding you immediately burst with cries of shock and laughter. They poked some fun at you, but then started to attempt to persuade you to buy one right then and there, to which you had refused until someone else graciously took the spotlight from you and your sex life.

Now, here you were.

Sitting in front of your laptop, with your screen open to an Amazon link for an apparently very good vibrator for women.

After that first prodding a few nights ago, the thought of a toy would slip into your mind unexpectedly. You'd been struggling a little to get yourself off lately, which you blamed on the curiosity and new fascination with how a sex toy would feel.

Fuck it, you thought, hitting 'Add to cart.' You chose the prime option, mooching off of your close friend's membership. He didn't ever check what you bought anyway, so it's not like he'd notice that you'd just used his prime account to buy a vibrator.

Even though Amazon Prime delivered packages in two days, the recent purchase you'd made had somehow managed to slip your mind.

You blamed that for what happened next.

You were busy doing errands, and your best friend, Taehyung, had texted that he was coming over. Aforementioned friend is the one you mooched off of, as he made a considerably more amount of money than you did, so you never denied him of his requests. You had literally just been using his Netflix account earlier in the day, so you just texted back with a simple, "K, the door's unlocked" before getting up to do some chores that you'd put off.

Taehyung arrived only a few minutes after you started to do your laundry, the door shutting and locking quickly after.

"Do you know how unsafe it is to just leave your door unlocked like that?" he called from the doorway, taking his shoes off before sneaking into your kitchen. You walked out of the laundry room and into the kitchen, stretching your arms over your head while watching Taehyung grab an apple from your fridge.

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