* Nothing Heals *

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It had been two months since Brandon had last seen Isabella

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It had been two months since Brandon had last seen Isabella.

Within those two months he began pushing himself to move on from her. He tried to forget about her, like how she forgot about him. From trying to forget the sound of her sweet laughter to the way her eyebrows would scrunch up when she tried focus, it just wasn't enough.

There was constant reminders of her everywhere he went. Whether it was in LA or on tour there was nothing that didn't remind him of Isabella. He wrote songs about her and didn't realize it until Austin would read them. It was always going to be her and no matter how hard he tried to move on, he couldn't.

The only ones who heard from Bella were her family, roommates and manager, who she would text to reassure them she was alive and doing well. Bella had spent her time with her grandparents and other family members avoiding the social media world. Of course her dad would often question when she would be returning home, but she never gave him a response and always changed the subject.

But, today was the day she decided to jump on a plane to New York to surprise her family for Thanksgiving. She had come to terms that it was time to face reality and just move on. As much as she didn't want too, she knew it was the best for herself.

But like many, the holidays weren't her favorite due to over questioning relatives.

Bella had hardly touched the food her stepmom immediately gave to her when she walked through the front door. Her family wasn't expecting her to show up due to the new drama that was being created by Shawn's fans and the Beanz on social media. Her dad and stepmom knew the allegations took a major toll on Isabella, so they didn't want to force a holiday she didn't want to celebrate.

Unfortunately, her other family members didn't really care about her feelings about the drama but wanted to know everything.

"So how did you meet Shawn?"

"Did you really leave the country over a little drama?"

"Did you even like Brandon?"

"I mean you wanted to model you basically asked for this lifestyle of drama and scandals," Her uncle Matt had said.

That was when David and their dad drew the line, their jaws clenched in anger.

"What did you say?" Bella's dad dropped his fork against his plate, silencing the table.

"Dad don't," her voice filled with weakness.

Her dad noticed the sadness in her eyes and knew to drop it.

"I mean come on Jason. She practically signed up for it. She could've had a normal job and still have had a nice life. But of course she wanted the attention and fame."

"How's that working out for you and your third — no I mean fourth marriage?" Danielle chimed in.

"If she didn't want any of this to happen she shouldn't have been posing half naked and dating every guy she sees."

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