Feisty blonde i can see

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Ms.Emmery is required to the principal office please.

What did i do, i just came in i havent even breathed yet .

To both parts surprise youre not here to get detention , i just need a favor from you.

YOU , favor from me ?

Yes ms.Emmery

What do i get ?

the good feeling of helping 

Nopp im not that good, i need to get something in return.

Look Mckayla im not in mood for your little games.

He was fuming and began to scarlet with rage, it was funny getting this type of reaction , but unlike the little man im sure principal Bowl would kill a fly, hell he would  even kill me. And whats with his name Bowl, his parents must have been really inspired.

Okay Okay i will do whatever you want from me if i dont get any type of detention this week 

Youre kidding right ?

No im not kidding , if i was kidding i would have puted an HAHAHA , you see there is no HAHAHA 

Mckayla i want you to go and introduce the school to ms.Lidia Reiveen, you need to be polite and try to be her friend and please please save the sarcasm for yourself

But what if she is stupid and my body has this like anti stupid program and its algorithm its sarcasm?

Well if you prefer detention ....

I am going :)

This Lidia chick was actually very hot, dont wanna sound lesbian or something but she seemed as  a fashion magazine model. She had long blonde hair that fell in perfect waves and some crystal blue eyes, they were so blue, her lips were full and her body, well perfect.

Hey ya there

She turned her gaze towards me and once she saw me a smile crept on her beautiful face.

Well hello to u too

Sarcastic , i like it.

Oh, damn and here is me trying to get rid of you. 

she wass still smiling so i knew she was kidding, because if she wasnt i would break that perfect nose of her.

Lid i can totally see us being best friends.

I never had friends, like reall one but this girl had something in her that made me want to be her friend.

Well youre lucky you have a nice bootie otherwise i would never accept to be friend with a duck face .

Are you telling me i look like a duck ?

Nope, youre pretty but you have duck lips, so now duckey show me the school.

Im supposed to be the mean one .

Duckey ??


Who is the eighth wonder of the world?

she was staring at Ash , now she was eye rapping him, poor Ash , and eww call him eighth wonder of the world.

First of all i feel offended he can be the ninth wonder because im the eighth one and secondly he is Ashton Hunter, everybody calls him Ash and its Brody Blake best friend so that means we hate him.

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