Niall and Emily

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"wow! I can't believe we're in London!" I exclaimed to my friend Rachel. "I know right?! It's so awesome! Maybe we'll see one direction" she said back winking at me. No, I don't think we have any chance of meeting one direction, but I might as well let her think we will. "so where should we go eat?" I asked even though I already knew her answer. Nandos. "let's go to nandos! What if we see nialler?!" I just blocked her out cus I knew she was just going over all of the possible ways we could meet them which I've heard a million times already.

We got into a taxi and told the driver to take us to the nearest nandos. Once we arrived we hopped out of the back seat and walked in and got into the line. The person ahead of us had a hood on and sunglasses. Hmmm....that's weird...

"so what do you think is good here? I think I'm gonna get the peri peri chicken what about you?" Rachel asked completely unaware of how loud she was talking. "first, stop talking so loud you're giving me a headache, and second, I don't know, I've never been here before so I don't know what I'll like"

Once the person ahead of me (the one with a hood up and sunglasses on) was done ordering he leant down and spoke in my ear "if I were you, I'd just get the peri peri chicken" his voice sen shivers down my spine...wait! That can't happen! I just met him! Did he have a Irish accent...?

I looked up to see that he took his sunglasses off and I was know staring into deep blue eyes. "uhm-uh thanks?" I stuttered back. He just smiled at me, his smile seemed familiar. "uhm, you look kinda familiar, what's your name?" I asked with a little but more confidence "Niall".

Oh my god. I'm talking to Niall Horan. That's why he seemed familiar! Then he started speaking again "so I'm pretty sure you already know that I'm in one direction, and know all about me, but I don't even know your name?" my name, my name? Oh I need to respond to that haha "I'm Emily" I said putting my hand out for him to shake, but instead he pulled me into a hug. An let me just tell you this, he gives fricken awesome hugs.! An he spelled like heaven! But then he pulled away "it's nice to meet you Emily" he said with a smile plastered on his face.

But then I had to order so I figured that he would leave and I wouldn't see him again, but once I got my food I turned around to find him still standing there.! "uhm I was-s uhm wondering if you wanna eat lunch with me.... You don't have to if you don't want to, but it'd be nice if you did.." aweee he was so cute when he stuttered:) "sure I'd love to eat with you" I said but then I remembered about Rachel, so I turned around to look for her and found and found her sitting at a table with .....Harry Styles.! I smirked at her then sat down at a table with Niall.

We spent a two hours just talking, even though we ran out of food we still talked. It was really awesome that I met him, and he's really cute too... Wait? Did I just say that? Yes of course I did. It's Niall fricken Horan I'm talking about! But sadly Rachel and I had to get back to our hotel so I had to say goodbye to Niall. But he asked for my number so we can hang out again!!

When I turned to start walking away his hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back and I fell into him a little. As I looked into his eyes I saw him bite his lip and look down at my lips then back at my eyes. And I felt myself do the same. He slowly started moving his face closer to mine until his lips were almost on mine, then his lips crashed onto mine.

Sparks were flying and I saw fireworks, it was defiantly the best kiss ever! And he kissed me so sweetly and softly as if I were the most fragile thing in the world. When he pulled away we both had smiles on our faces and he opened his mouth and started talking "Emily, will you go out on a date with me?"

I didn't have to think about that twice "yes" that just made his smile grow larger and he leaned down ad kissed me softly again. Then we said our goodbyes and headed back. As I was sitting in the taxi I saw Rachel and Harry kissing too, I guess things worked out well for the both of us.


Hope you liked it:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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