The Call

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Baekhyun sat on his desk, one foot up on it as his arm laid on his knee. Right now, his most trusted squad members were with him. They had gotten an incoming call from Phoenix, which was perfect.

The screen was blurry for a second, Chanyeol's face coming on screen, twirling a knife in his hand. "What the hell do you want, Chanyeol." Baekhyun snarled, hearing the tattooed Phoenix laugh. "Oh nothing, just seeing if you'd kill all the people that you caught." He laughed loudly, a girl on his lap, causing Baekhyun to scowl.

"They're as good as dead, Park." Jihoon answered, his revolver squeezed in his hand. "Well, I've heard from an inside source that you're planning on sending two of your members here to try and find me, so good luck with that." Inside source? He looked at all of his team, pulling his gun out. "If any of you flinch I swear I'll shoot you dead."

He shot at each of their groins, none of them flinching. The lieutenant looked at Luhan. "In depth background checks and followups with every person. Threaten them and whoever slips, kill them." The deer nodded, looking at the smug person on the call. "That won't help you, baby. Why don't you just give up already?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, his heart fluttering a bit at him calling him baby. "First off, I'm not your baby, and second of all, I never give up. I haven't given up for six years, Park. I never have and I never will. Even if I'm 80, I won't give up on finding you." He stated, eyes burning with fire. He jumped off the desk, walking over to the screen. "I mean it, Park Chanyeol. I will never give up on finding you."

Chanyeol smirked, leaning forward. "Try me short stack. I have enough money to go anywhere I want to." "Actually, that's where you're wrong."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "If you even take one of your private jets somewhere, my air force league has enough ammo to last them on a three day stake, not only that, airports and securities are on my side, I also have special op agents that are currently placed in every. Single. City. In. Korea. Not only that, we recently signed a document with both Japan, China, Germany, England, Bolivia, Brazil and Australia that if they any of your lackeys or even you anywhere in any of the countries, they have permission to lock you up. Don't even try to go to Canada because Border patrol won't even let you get by. Russia has even agreed to lock you up until I get there to take you out myself."

Chanyeol was indeed shocked. Was Baekhyun smarter then he though? He sure as hell seemed like it and it was kind of hot. He felt cornered and that midget was dominating right now. He looked at his bitch on his lap, shoved her off and grabbed a cigarette. "Well Park?" He heard the midget's voice, causing him to hit off his cigarette. "Well what? You've obviously gotten smarter, Byun. I'm impressed." He stated, looking at the screen, causing Baekhyun to smirk.

"My specials have eyes on you Chanyeol and you don't even know it." He stated, his walker talkie buzzing, holding it up. "Tell me you have what I need." Baekhyun asked Moonbin, who clicked in. "10-4." Putting his device down, he looked at the screen. "I would advise you stay where you're at Chanyeol. My special ops agents and I don't talk while they're over in Korea, so you have no idea who it could be. It could even be some of your members, you know, inside source."

Baekhyun watched Chanyeol laugh, snorting. "I know all of your team, Baek. I would know." "This agents were trained in secret, undercover. Half the time, I don't even remember what they look like. That's what makes them special. I don't know
Their faces and the only time I get to hear something out of them, isn't even from them. Messengers are the greatest, don't you think?" He smirked, his dog, Mongryoung, walked in, the only thing keeping him sane. He picked the dog up, rubbing his back.

Chanyeol cursed to himself. Baekhyun looked adorable with his dog and Chanyeol couldn't deny it. "Cute dog. Looks like you." Baekhyun scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't like your flirting Phoenix, it makes me sick." He snarled, his dog slowly falling asleep. "Well, I'll call later baby. See you, cutie." And then a click and the call ended.

Baekhyun sighed softly, rubbing his face against his little corgi's, Jihoon following the sigh. They were all used to him flirting with Baekhyun, but it was still unsettling. "Luhan, go do the background checks." He stated, obviously tired and hungry. "Jongdae, please go get me some food." They would never say it outloud, but their boss looked really cute holding his corgi and cuddling up to him. "Yes, sir." Jongdae replies before exiting the room.

Author's note: hey hey hey. How y'all liking this so far?

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