Chapter 15 ~

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Chapter 15 ~

- it was late at night an I was staring at my tv in my room, I couldnt take my eyes off of what I was seeing


Reporter: The ally case has become more an more in tack now! Yesterday a poor man was robbed by an unknown description!

Reporter 2: policies has become more alert about this crimes being committed an why isn't any one speaking up?

(*click I clicked the tv off*)

Me: {my mind: what am I gonna do? I can't keep him out my head I must tell someone but when?} (*my thoughts were interrupted by my mothers voice*)

Mom: hey kamera! Umm I'mma about to head out to work ! I mean like I would really like you to come but you can stay if you would-

Me: (*i cut her off*) no its ok I actually want to come (*i got up an threw on my shoes I was wearing my grey sweat pants an a pink an white shirt*) les roll.


In minuets we were at my mothers job an she was doing her business as usually

Me: umm mom imma jus go an walk around

Mom: ok don't go far (*eats pretzel*)

Me: (*i walk out an stroll down the hall until I run into makail*)

Makail: oh sorry (*looks up*) kamera?

Me: hey it's me

Makail: hey didn't expect you to be here

Me: umm yea I decided that I should stop by!

Makail: umm so how have you been doing?

Me: good we'll how about u

Makail: grea- (*gets cut off*)

Girl: makail!! Oh there you are hey

Makail: hey umm see you around kamera (*they walked away*)

Me: yea see you (*i turned back on my heels an went out side to see the workers moving things from a truck, I sat on the edge of one*)

Worker: aaaa! Miss kamera you look down! What seems to be the problem

Me: {my mind: should I tell him I mean he doesn't really know about it } umm nothin jus thinking

Worker: we'll that thinking must be hard because with the looks on your face it's not good news!

Me: Nothin it's jus alot of things u know girl stuff

Worker: we'll alright (*takes package*) see ya

Me: (*i jumped off the truck an went around the building, I saw makail's girl an some other guy TALKING it up all right*) aye (*they turned an looked at me, I took off running to tell makail about this she took off after me, I tripped on a stick an she tackled me to the ground*) get off of me!!!

Girl: don't tell him

Me: (*i began pushing her off but she slapped me*) 0.0 no you didn't no you didnt (*she began pullin my hair*) aaaa!!

Girl: shut up stupid (*she pushed me on the ground harder*)

Me: I'm sick of this!! (*i got up an pushed her she fell back I punched her in the face then took off running into the building, I looked back an saw her coming behind me, I ran into the snack room she followed, I backed up to the Conner*)

Girl: kamera please stop it doesn't have to be like this

Me: you cheated on makail

Girl: it's not like you were a better girl friend! He told me about your sneaky ways! Always acting like the world involved around you

Me: I don't have nothin to do with you

Girl: so let's set a deal! You don't tell makail an I would say a thing

Me: you got nothin on me

Girl: oh so you think what's your friend name that slept with your friends boy friend

Me: how you know about that 0,0

Girl: oh yea speed dial (*she punched me in my eye*)

Me: 0.0 :0 aa! (*i grabbed her an pressed her face against the hot stove

Girl: aaaaa! My face

Me: (*i lifted her up an threw her in the wall!, she ran back an punched me in my stomach!*) aaa :{ (*i slapped her than ran out to my mothers office*)

Mom: what in the world kamera!!! Did you rob a bank an get beat up by citizens (*i fell to the ground in pain, I was tired an hurting,*) oh my (*she came to my side*)

Me: mom jus please take me home

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