✧ 25.0 ✧

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it was too quiet at home. yoongi had gone out to work and (name) was all alone with the company of riri who was too busy sleeping. (name) decided to work on her project for a while, sketching faces on her personal sketchbook while referencing pictures of yoongi to get his features spot on.

an idea popped into her head and she got up to look for one of yoongi's old camera that she had used before. maybe it still had some pictures she could use to reference. after digging through the closet for some time, she found the camera. luckily, it was charged and there was some photos that hasn't been deleted yet. she stood still, looking through the gallery for photos of yoongi that she took a long time ago. somehow, riri woke up extremely hyper today, running around and playing with her toy. she ran into (name) countless of times too.

"aish! riri!" (name) was worried that her cat was going to hurt herself.

riri ended up running towards her and tried to jump onto her, causing (name) to fall back on her butt and letting go of the camera accidentally.


the glass lens had cracked and the display screen flap was totally detached from the camera with its screen cracked too. (name) panicked and tried to turn on the camera but to no avail. sighing, she took out the sd card and placed it on the desk along with the broken camera. she sat down on the bed, trying to calm down and piece her explanation together.


"i'm home~" yoongi greeted as he entered the house.

"(name)?" he called out as there was no response.

he walked into the room and saw the girl at the edge of the bed, a gloomy aura surrounded her.

"jagi? what's wrong?" yoongi immediately approached the girl, worried about her.

"did someone bully you? i'll stand up for you. tell me who is it. i'll hit them with my tripod stand," yoongi kneeled on the ground, looking up to face her.

"no. it's nothing like that," (name) let out a small laugh as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

"are you crying? what's wrong, jagi? talk to me," yoongi began to panic and held her hands tightly in his.

"i'm sorry," (name) sobbed, warm tears started streaming down her rosy cheeks.

"ah, why are you crying?" he then got up and held her head to his chest.

"i broke your camera," she sniffled, wiping her tears with the sleeve of the sweater she stole from him.

"my camera?" he asked.

"i was borrowing it for my project and riri was being hyper and i fell and broke the camera," she explained slowly, still sobbing.

"you fell? are you okay?" his eyes widen at her words, rubbing her back slowly to comfort her.

"i'm okay but your camera-"

"don't worry about the camera. i can send it for repair. i'm more worried about you," he lifted up her chin and met her gaze, wiping off a tear with his thumb.

"but it's completely smashed," (name) frowned, pointing towards the desk where the broken camera laid. afraid of what his reaction could be, the girl cried into his chest again.

"why are you crying? it's just a camera. i didn't even like that one," yoongi wrapped his arms around the girl lovingly.

"yoongi, i'm sorry," she sobbed.

"i have so many cameras. it's okay, princess," yoongi comforted the girl.

"do you want me to cry too? don't cry anymore, jagi," he kissed the crown of her head.

"i'll pay you back," she sniffled, pulling away from his embrace.

"no, no. it's okay. i don't need so many cameras anyway."

he then cupped her face in his hands, "it's just an old camera. i hate seeing you cry the most."

"even when you're crying, you're beautiful too," he added, smiling.

(name) let out a small laugh amidst her soft sobs.

"how much was it?" she asked, wiping away her tears.

"i don't remember. maybe 3,000 won?" yoongi chuckled.

"tell me how much it costs," (name) frowned.

"okay, okay. i'll be honest. it was 4,000 won," he smiled.

"yoongi," the girl was still intent on paying him back.

"it's quite expensive though," he pouted.

"how much?" she frowned, unsure if she will ever get the money to pay him back.

"5,000 won," he laughed and cupped her face again, placing a small peck on her forehead.

"yah!" (name) pouted and hit his chest softly.

"aish. look at me, (name). you don't need to pay me back okay? i forgive you. stop crying already," he ruffled her hair fondly.

"o-okay," she sniffled and rubbed her nose.

"good girl~" he cooed, pulling her into his embrace.

"you're too good to me," (name) murmured.

"it's because i love you, dummy," he flashed his gummy smile.

(name)'s forehead found the thick black fabric of his hoodie, stifling her smile against his chest.

"why are you hiding your face?" he laughed, rubbing the girl's back.

"i love you too," (name) hugged him, nuzzling into his chest.

"ah, my girlfriend is so cute," he beamed, hugging the girl warmly.


a/n : i hope this satisfies >.<

based on this! : https://youtu.be/jlk5JsB2O1U

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