umm.... this story is about me living with my idols and I guess we will see how this goes. This all came to me in a dream..... I'm still dreaming about this I need help
Sugas POV *** This kid.... Istg but she isnt that bad.... At least she hasn't woken me up or anything. I wonder why she hasnt fangirled or anything. After all we ARE idols taking her to buy a dress or two. She doesn't seem excited either. I like what she's wearing tho it looks cute on her. She also sang very good! I congratulate her on that. I wanna sleep
*Less than 2 min pass*
zzzzzzz My POV Omg i cannot belive he fell asleep again... This guy... " ok so i forgot to say this but y'all look Fab! Y'all totally look hot." "Thanks you look ho- very cute!!" Said Jimin
DID JIMIN ALMOST CALL ME HOT??! EEKKK SJKDJA KAHDJ DHKSHDM DHKSHSH I CANT BREATHE DIDJHF CALL FOR HELP Thats what would have happened in my mind but you know I'm trying not to fall for their charm so I just smiled and said thanks. *** We finally got to the mall and they all out masks on. I got the privilege of waking Suga up and he was cursing at me
WHOS CURSING NOW?!?! AND HOW AM I THE BITCH?!?!" "Cmon you two let's go!!" Said V We went inside and we all hoped we didn't get seen. We went to a lot of stores but didnt get anything beacuse my mom always picks everything and I just try it on. The guys are really helpful but they thought I knew how to shop for clothes. At the end of the day we bought a beautiful dress the V saw. It looked somehing like this:
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I got embarrassed because I had to show them how it looked and it was short. But they bought it anyway s because they said it looked good on me. They brought me 2 other dresses before I said let's "go hooommmee" *** We arrived home and I went to my room and got on the bed. The guys embarrassed me once again and I left because they made me go red by saying a lot of guys were staring at me and I didn't notice. Suga came to the room shortly after I came and did the same thing I did and in under 3 minutes he was sleeping. I grabbed my headphones and put Spotify once again and started singing along with the music. I didn't notice when Jungkook came in because I was singing with my eyes closed. He was singing along with me and then the rest of the guys came and started to sing along with me. I opened my eyes to get some candy I had secretly stashed and saw that they were there singing along. (=xェx=) ( me dying) "Wut?!?! Ehh?!? When?!?" I huffed and said " my hyungs are mean" :'( Then they came and attacked me by tickling me. "Stoppp hey stob it!! Hahahahhah" Then Rm said "we are bulletproof" I was just confused and started singing "we are bulletproof pt.2" Then a mad Suga got up and said "WHAT ARE YOU MOTHER FUCKERS DOING HERE?!?! GET THE FUCK OUT YOU DAMN BITCHES! I NEED MY FUCKING SLEEP!!!" "We have woken up the monster!! HeLp!! (」゚ロ゚)」" said J-hope First, Jimin ran out. Then, Rm, Jungkook,V,J-hope, and lastly Jin. I was gonna run out with them but Jin closed the door. "Damn" I said. I turned around and there was Suga all angry. " hey chief" I said He grabbed me and toke to my bed and spanked me. " Wut are you doing!??!!" "You arent afraid of my death stare and me when I'm angry so this is the only thing I can do to teach you a lesson don't I?" He pulled down my pants a little and hit me hard."oww. mm. Stop!! Ill behave!" He hit me so hard I started crying. And Jin came in because he heard the noise. "What are you doing Suga?! Wtf?!" "Get.Out.If.You.Wanna.Live." "Ok. Carry on.... Sorry Allison I wanna live....:(" When he got out, he stopped because I might have hit him in the dick. "OWW WTF" While he was in pain I took my phone pulled up my pants grabbed my headphones and ran out the house. I didn't know where I was going or what I was gonna do but I still did it. I pulled up my hoodie and ran as fast as I could. I could hear them all yelling for me to come back. I ran and took many turns trying to shake them but Jungkook was behind me I stopped suddenly and he bumped into me and I ran again giving me and extra 5 seconds.