Chapter 2: New Feelings

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Chapter 2: New Feelings

Helena's POV


The rest of the ride to Matt's house was surprisingly good. It was mostly spent discussing the irony of me picking him up the same day Matt wanted us to meet. I pulled into Matt's driveway and turned off the car. "Well this should be interesting," Andy said with a smile.

We walked in and I heard Matt in his room "Lena that you?" he yelled.

"Yeah, and I brought a guest."

"Oh, who? Andy? Wait you BROUGHT him?" he said surprised

"Trust me it's a long story, man." Andy said as he threw himself on the couch. "Soooo, what's the plan?" I sat down next to Andy and got a somewhat satisfied look from Matt. He was always trying to hook me up with his friends. Although this was the first time I actually liked the guy he had in mind.



We ended up talking about movies and Andy and I got into an intense conversation about why Anne Hathaway was cast as cat woman in the new batman movie. "I mean come on she's so, nice, cat woman is sexy and mysterious and-"I was interrupted by my phone ringing. "One sec" I said getting up from the couch. "Hey, Josh what's up?"

"Um hey, your appointment is here, you gonna be back soon?" he asked quietly.

"My what?"

"Your late appointment, remember? He works late so you said he could come in tonight at 7."

"OH FUCK! I totally forgot! I'm at Matts. Can you stall him for a little bit til I get there??"

"Yeah of course, how long ar-"

"Kay thanks! I love you hun be there as soon as possible!" I said and hung up. "Shit shit shit I gotta go guys sorry"

"Is everything okay?" Andy asked getting up.

"Yeah that was work I completely forgot I scheduled a late appointment for tonight and he's there waiting for me so I have to go like now!" "Sorry Matty" I kissed him on the cheek. "It was really nice to meet you Andy, bye"

"Wait, I'll walk you out." Andy ran to the door ahead of me and opened it.

"Uh thanks." I said. And walked out.

"So I um really had a good time today. It was nice to talk to a girl who treated me like just a regular guy for once. I've gotten so used to fans wanting autographs or girls wanting to hook up I forgot how cool it was to just hang out and have a good time. So thanks." He said kind of shyly. So I guess he wasn't just a charming ladies man rock star.

I smiled. "No problem, I've know Matt forever so the famous thing doesn't really get to me, rock stars are people to" I laughed. "I'll talk to you later Andy."

"Haha agreed. See ya." He started to walk away and turned back. "Your number"


"Could I get your number? I'd like to text or something, if uh you wanted."

"Oh, sure it's-"

"I mean I was gonna ask Matt for it but I didn't know if that would piss you off or not..."

"Andy, I said its okay" I laughed "its 5813721692"

He got a big grin on his face, "thanks I will defiantly use it."

"You better, bye Andy" he waved and walked back to the house. I got in the car and headed back to work.

Andy's POV


I stopped on the steps and watched her back out of the driveway. 'Ugh why does she make me so... lame??' I thought remembering a time I could talk to a girl without being a complete dork. I've only just met this girl and she already drives me crazy. I walked in to see Matt with a huge grin on his face.

"Welllllll how'd it go man? You are totally in love! I was right!" he yelled.

"Oh stop, I just got her number and made a huge fool of myself so don't get your hopes up" or mine. I couldn't help praying she didn't notice how awkward I was and that maybe I still had a chance to redeem myself with some of the old Biersack charm. "So what exactly does she do?"

"Don't worry she likes you too I can tell and she's a tattoo artist."

"You sure?" I asked. "Wow that's a cool job where does she work?"

"Positive. It's a place called True Tattoo she's actually really good, you should get your next tat from her."

"Maybe I don't really have any ideas for what I might want now but if I think of one I'll defiantly have her do it."

Helena's POV


I pulled up to the shop still smiling from Andy asking for my number. I have no idea how but he just kept getting cuter. "Hey, Lena I told the guy to come back in a little bit so you could sketch the tattoo so heres the stencil and there he is." Josh said when I walked in the back door.

"Ooh Josh my love for is eternal!" I hugged him and went to greet the man by the door. "Hello, I'm Helena, this is what I've got does It look okay?"

"Oh wow, its perfect! I love it"

"Alright then let's get you set up and please take off your shirt" I said point him to my station. He took off his shirt and I saw scars all over his chest except for over his heart where I was putting the tattoo. I placed the stencil and had him check it if it was in a good spot for him. He nodded and I began. As I was tattooing him he explained that he got the scars in Iraq and wanted to get a tattoo to commemorate the men who died in his company while he was there.



"Ookay, Mr. Benson looks like I'm all done," I said as I was washing the extra ink off. "You can head over to the mirror and take a look." He got up and headed to the mirror.

"Helena it's incredible. Thank you so much" I had to admit it suited him. It was a skull wearing an army helmet with a rifle in front of it, I also added a set of dog tags and a few shell casings on the ground around it.

"No problem, and thank you, what you do over there is amazing, I'm honored to tattoo you." I said as I wrapped him up. Then he hugged me and when he pulled away I saw a tear in his eye. I smiled and gave him his shirt to put back on. He paid and left. Boy was I tired, I turned off the lights and locked up the shop. Got in my car and headed home. When I got home said hi to my little Egyptian Mau kitten (picture in sidebar) Cleo. She meowed happily and followed me into my room. I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from Andy,

"Hey it's Andy, ur prob still at work I just wanted to give u my number and see if u wanted to hang out 2moro?"

I sat on my bed and replied "yeah I just got home sooooo tired! Lol that sounds nice, any particular time?"

"Nah I tend to get up late lol so ill text u when I get up and we can make plans then." He sent back really quickly.

"Alright that works, but hey ima head to bed ill tlk to u 2moro."

"K nite Len. Sleep well."

"You too Andy, night." Hm Len I liked it gosh I liked this guy! I changed, turned on my iPod and curled up with Cleo. I couldn't help but smile like a dork when coffin started playing, his voice always made me smile but now it was so much more personal. Could I be in love? Nahhhhhhhhh.............

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