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                Once Sahara uttered the v-word, I looked at the girls, who were just as speechless. Sahara drifted back to sleep, as she was only half asleep. I pulled the girls out of the room.
                "What do we do?" I asked.
                "You think we should just tell her the truth?" Raven asked.
                "Are you crazy?" Alex asked, "The last thing we need is her running around screaming 'Vampire' all over Woodstake!"
                "Guys, relax." Indi said, "Why don't we just persuade her to forget?" She asked.
                "Right, yeah of course." I said, "We'll have to wait until she regains consciousness. I'll call my mom and tell her I'd be running late." I went around the hospital, taking a few wrong turns, but finally found the bathroom. I went inside and called my mom.
                "Hey mom."
                "Sweetie, where are you?" She asked.
                "I had to take my friend, Sahara, to the hospital. She poisoning. But don't worry i'm okay, I'll be home soon, I just gotta make sure she's okay."
                "Alright sweetie, be safe."
                "Bye mom." 
                After I hung up, I went back to the hospital room where Sahara was. The girls and I sat there for awhile. I didn't want Sahara to be involved in this shit.
                For awhile, I stared at Sahara's cherry red hair. It complemented her fair skin and dark eyebrows really well. It stood out from everything else in this dull room, including Indi's extensive amount of jewelry.
               "I'm gonna be honest, Sahara would make a great vampire." Indi said.
               "Did you really just say that?" Raven asked.
               "Hey I mean she's got the skin, the hair, the good looks." Indi said.
               "You're horrible." I said, rolling my eyes and giggling. I then got a text from Freddy.
                                         Freddy: Hey Luce
                                          Me: Hey Freddy
                                        Freddy: Is everything okay?
                                         Me: Not really. Sahara was attacked. I think it was by the same vampire who turned me and the girls.
                                      Freddy: Oh my god, is she okay?
                                        Me: Yeah, we took her to the hospital. She's unconscious, but we're staying here until she wakes up so she won't remember seeing the vampire.
                                     Freddy: Wait, she knows she was attacked by a vampire?
                                       Me: Yeah, earlier when we brought her here, she said she was attacked by a "vampire".
                                    Freddy: That's not good.
                                    Me: Don't worry, once she awakens, i'm gonna persuade her to forget she was attacked by a vampire. I'll just say it was a animal attack.
                              Freddy: Alright, good luck Luce, talk later.
                For some reason, texting Freddy made me even more anxious to persuade Sahara and keep our vampirism low profile. I also really wanted to know who the vampire was. But something didn't add up.
               "Guys, something's not making sense here." I said.
               "What is it?" Alex asked.
               "Aside from the fact we were turned, everyone who was attacked by the vampire has died, so why let Sahara live?" I asked.
               "Maybe he didn't intend to," Alex said, "After all, he left her for dead."
               Before we could finish our conversation, Sahara suddenly woke up gasping.
               "No! No! Vampire!" Sahara screamed in panic. I quickly rushed over to her and covered her mouth with both my hands so doctors wouldn't hear her.
               "Shh! Sahara it's me, it's Lucy." I whispered, "I'm gonna take my hands off your mouth, do you promise not to scream?"
               Sahara nodded.
              I didn't try to persuade her not to scream. That didn't feel right to me. I slowly took my hands off her mouth, and she didn't scream.
             "Lucy, what the hell is going on?" Sahara's voice was breaking, she was terrified. Sahara deserved to know, but she couldn't know. I looked down at my lap, then back at Sahara. I held her hand.
             "It's going to be okay, Sahara." I reassured. I then leaned forward and looked straight into her eyes. "You were attacked by an animal, not a vampire. The girls and I, we took you to the hospital. The doctors will keep you overnight and let you out tomorrow."
             I watched as Sahara's face went from terrified to normal. It's like a second ago, she had carried the weight of the world on her shoulders and now is releasing all that pressure.
            "Sahara, are you alright?" Raven asked.
            "Yeah, I really wonder what kind of animal attacked me tonight." She said, trying to 'remember'.
           "Probably some watch dog." Alex suggested, "You weren't exactly the most sober."
           "Right." Sahara said, "A watch dog."
           "Well, i'm kinda tired." I lied, pretending to yawn and stretch. "We should probably go home and let you get some rest."
           "Okay, goodnight." Sahara said, half smiling. She laid back on her bed and I turned off the light as the girls and I walked out.
            "This doesn't feel right at all." I told the girls as soon as we walked out of the hospital.
            "What are you talking about? You and I both know she can't know the truth." Indi reminded me.
            "I know but, it just feels like we made it worse."
            "Lucy, we're only protecting our secret." raven said, "Sahara can't know that we're...vampires. Think of it as if we're keeping any other secret."  
            I felt like a horrible person for leaving Sahara in the dark of all this. Especially since she may have been attacked by the vampire we've been searching for. But I also knew if Sahara knew our secret, her world would be changed forever, and she'd no longer be safe.
           "Shit, I left my purse inside." I said, "I'll be right back." I then went back inside the hospital and walked up to the front desk.
          "Excuse me, I left my purse in room 29, may I please go and get it?" I asked politely. I didn't get an answer. The woman was as still.
           "Hello?" I tapped my hand on her desk. Still nothing. Something didn't feel right. This didn't feel right. The atmosphere in the hospital felt different than when I walked out a moment ago. I turned around and saw how still everyone was. It was like being in the first few moments of a nightmare, or like being in the first five minutes of a 'Supernatural' episode.
           "Hello, anyone?" I called. A man sitting in the waiting area slowly turned his head to me, but didn't say anything. Then he turned back to his paper. Even that made me feel uneasy. I then saw what I could've sworn have been a shadow-like figure zooming past me very quickly. The lights also started flickering.
           "Is everything okay Lucy?" Alex asked.
           "I don't know." I stuttered. Indi then came inside to see what the problem was.
           "What's going on?"
           "Something doesn't feel right. Everyone here is literally a statue." I said.
           Suddenly, a bat flew past Indi and I, it was so close to our faces, I felt its wing tear through the air.
            "What the hell was that?!" Indi freaked out. Soon after, Alex and Raven followed us inside the hospital.
            "What's taking so long?" Alex asked impatiently. Moments after she said that, the same shadow zoomed by us again.
            "Sahara!" I said, instinctively running towards her room. The girls following soon thereafter. The room was dark. As soon as I opened the door, I witnessed a tall man in a trench coat, standing right next to Sahara's bed. I couldn't see the man's features, as the room was dark. So he was nothing but a silhouette. It turned it's head to us, but the four of us just stood there, paralyzed. The man then sort of dissipated into a cloud of smoke and a bat took the place of what used to be the man. It then flew right past us outside the door.
             The girls and I then rushed over to Sahara to check on her. I felt colder than I already was. I didn't know what I would do if Sahara turned out to be dead, especially after erasing her memory and selfishly leaving her in the dark. We checked on her and she was fine. I almost felt relieved. 
            "What is going on?" Raven asked. Her voice was almost close to breaking in fear.
            "I think he came to finish the job." I said.
            "Hold on a minute, the vampire is here? The same one who turned us?" Indi asked in confusion.
            "I have a feeling he is." I said.
            "Well then we need to get Sahara the hell out of here" Raven said, beginning to move Sahara's bed. Sahara then woke up, confused about what was happening.
            "Lucy? Raven?" She said, trying to adjust her mind. "What's going on?"
            "Sahara, you need to stay quiet, it's not safe here." I vaguely stated. As the four of us moved Sahara out the door, I heard Alex scream. To the left of us, the vampire was standing there. So still, but menacingly at the same time. The area in which he stood was completely dark, in contrast to the rest of the hospital, where all the lights were flickering. It's as if he didn't want to be seen.
              "You three, take Sahara, i'll take him." I ordered.
              "Are you nuts?" Indi asked, "He's gonna kill you, we have to stick together, you need us!"
              "Get her to safety."
              The girls kept moving along, and I was now face-to-face with the vampire. He simply stood there, and just him eerily standing there made me feel like I was gonna pee myself. All I could see was his figure, and two small glowing red orbs, which I could only assume was his eyes.  
               Pushing all my fear down, I hissed at the vampire, bearing my fangs, then did a wall run, trying to attack the vampire, but he grabbed my arms and threw me into the wall. I winced as i stood up and tried to swing at the vampire but he kept shape-shifting into bat form and back. It was like I was fighting a ghost. I couldn't get one single hit. The vampire turned into a bat and flew towards the direction the girls went. I followed.
                As the girls were taking Sahara to another room, the vampire appeared in front of them. Alex tried to attack the vampire, but the vampire simply tossed her aside and knocked Raven down with her. The vampire turned into bat form once more and knocked Indi down effortlessly. Sahara rolled off the bed and tried crawling her way out. The vampire then grabbed her by her feet and pulled her towards him.
              "Leave her alone!" I yelled at the vampire, stabbing him in the back with a pencil. I put my arms around his neck to choke him, but he easily stood up as if I were just a feather. Once again in bat form, I still held onto him and we flew out the hospital. I landed on my back. The vampire stood up and walked towards me.   
          Suddenly, an ambulance came and hit the vampire at full speed, sending him flying across the parking lot. Indi stepped out of the ambulance. The vampire stood up once again and turned to us. But then he turned away and flew away in his bat form.
           "Yeah, you better run!" Indi said, flipping the vampire off. "Told you, you needed us."
           "In my defense, I fought him the longest." 
           "And I made him run away." Indi said, helping me up. "I told you that purse would save a life one day." 
           The two of us went back inside the hospital to check on the others. Alex and Raven were helping Sahara  back on the bed. We then took her back to the room she was in before.
           It was silent. Nobody spoke for about two minutes before Sahara broke the ice.
          "What the hell happened?" She asked, trying to process the recent event. I didn't want to erase her memories again. I looked at the girls. 'I don't wanna do this.' I mouthed. Indi nodded, giving me the gesture to tell her the truth.
          I cleared my throat. " were attacked by a vampire."
          Sahara laughed nervously. "Vampires? Seriously?"
          "It's true." I said, leaning towards her and making direct eye contact. "Remember." It took a few seconds, but Sahara's face changed from a nervous smile to a terrified expression.
          "I was attacked by a vampire." Sahara was nearly crying.
          "This world is bigger than you think." Indi said, "We're vampires too, but we're the good ones."
          "How the hell am I supposed to believe that?!" Sahara went from frightened to angry.
          "You saw what happened tonight." Alex said, "If we weren't here, he would've killed you."
          "And who's 'he'?"
          "We don't know yet." I said, "But we will do our best to protect you. But you have to promise to keep our secret. No one else can know."
          Sahara shook her head, unsure of what to think.
          "Sahara...we're just trying to be normal." Raven said, "We don't know what this vampire wants, but we're trying to figure that out."
          "We're trusting you with our secret." I said.
          "I'll keep your secret but on one condition: you have to be completely honest with me, about all of this." Sahara said, "Thank you for saving my life." She smiled at us.
           "Now you can get some rest." I said, "Goodnight." 
            "Don't let the vampire bats bite." Alex said. I hit her on the shoulder and she laughed. Sahara rolled her eyes.
            Everyone in the hospital seemed to go back to normal. No one was questioning about a bunch of vampires brawling it out in the middle of the hospital. It's as if nothing even happened.
            As we left the hospital, we were greeted by Freddy. He was sweating and his hair was pasted to his forehead. It was if he went in the shower with his clothes on.
          "Freddy, what are you doing here?" I asked.
          "I have something important I need to tell you, like right now." Freddy said.
          "What is it?"
          "I went to the highway where you and your dad went over." Freddy paused. I gave him
the 'and?" look. "I felt a sort of an energy. Like, vampire energy"
           "That was the man who stood in the middle of the road." I said, "It was a vampire?"
           I then remembered the battle that just happened here in the hospital.
          "The vampire paid a visit here." I informed, "He was after Sahara, can you see if you feel the same energy?"
           "I can." Freddy said, walking into the hospital. He knelt down, touched the ground, and closed his eyes. "It is the same energy."
           "They're the same person." Alex said, piecing it together.
           Hearing the news, I felt the anger build up inside me. The vampire who tried to kill Sahara was also the same one who killed my dad.

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