How she became

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Jasmine is a simple teen girl who has a simple teen life. When people look at her all they see is a perfect girl living a perfect life with a perfect family. But no one ever knew how she really felt. She never feels accepted. She is never able to be herself. She lives her life faking a smile and faking her laughs. No one knows this but her family was the opposite of perfect. Her mother divorced her father and Jas has no idea who her father is. She has to live her life seeing other people having a father and her with no father. Her mother couldn't take care of her so she gave Jas to her grandparents and left her. While Jas lives with her grandparents, her mother has another husband and forgets all about her daughter.
Time flies quick for the teen girl. Now she's 14 and still living in pain. Her grandparents blame her for everything. They hurt her, they yell at her, they pressure her to be perfect. The only thing that made Jas happy was singing. She loved singing. She would sing everyday and night. It was the only thing she could do to get away from her stress.
She started getting into CreepyPasta and she fell in love. She would spend her days and nights reading about CreepyPastas and how they kill their victims. She remember every single name and story of every CreepyPasta character. People at school started to think she was crazy for liking such freaks. She didn't care what they think all she cared about was how she was going to become one of them.
Time flew by and she became more distant from everyone. All she did was read. She fell in love with six CreepyPasta boys. She fell in love with Masky, Hoodie, Toby, Eyeless Jack, Ben, and Jeff. She wanted to be like them. She looked up to SlenderMan as a Father figure. And she kinda dislikes Nina and you already know why.
Jas's obsession with CreepyPasta increased. She started looking up ways to summon them. She searched and searched on the internet but failed each time. She wanted to see them face to face, she wanted to see the killers she loved.
Everyday Jas tried and everyday she failed. Her family is putting more pressure on her cause she was starting to fail her classes. Jas couldn't take the stress and she would spend her time crying.
She told her self that if she wanted to be a CreepyPasta she had to be able to fight. She trained using daggers and over time she became a well user of daggers.
Kids at school would stay as far as they can from Jas and her so called 'Friends' ditched her and even started bullying her.
One day while she was in the bathroom, two girls walked up behind her and started beating her up. Jas groaned in pain not being able to do anything. She was filled with anger. "Freak!!" They shouted and continued punching and kicking her. Jas was in so much pain but she couldn't take it anymore. At that moment Jas snapped, pulled out her daggers, and slitted both of the girls throats. Blood splattered everywhere and Jas was filled with happiness and excitement. "I never thought killing would be this fun!!!" She said to herself. She went out of the bathroom and saw two boys at the end of the empty hallway. One was wearing a white mask with an orange jacket and the other was wearing an orange hoodie with a black mask with an orange frown on it. At that moment she knew who they were but when she ran to them they vanished. She wanted to find them but heard two footsteps around the corner. She knew she had to prove herself to them.
Jas started singing and two footsteps walked up to her. She turned around to see two teen boys around her age tranced to her voice. She finished the song and asked "Did you enjoy the song?" They both nodded and she continued "Good! Cause its the last thing you'll ever hear..." With that last sentence she slitted both of the boys throats making blood splatter all over her.
She heard slow clapping behind her so she turned around. Once again she saw the two boys from earlier. She was about to walk to them, when they just disappeared again. She looked down upset thinking that they probably weren't that impressed with her killing. She hid the bodies of the victims she killed and cleaned off the blood.
The bell rang and she went home. The moment she got home she was yelled at. She shook it off and just continued the rest of her evening. Night came and she got into bed and started thinking about what happened. She felt amazing. She loved how the blood splattered everywhere on her skin, she loved the smell of the blood, she loved looking into the eyes of her dead victims. She fell asleep feeling pleased about herself.
She woke up in the darkness not being able to see anything. She was confused cause she always slept with the lights on. She started to adjust to the darkness until she heard someone say "Child" at that moment she knew who it was and her eyes were filled with cheer. The lights flicked on and she adjusted to the lights before seeing who it was. There stood a tall slender man wearing a suit and of course he had no face. She has never been so happy. He handed out his hand for her to grab and of course she grabbed it. He teleported both of them away and left no trace.
Thats pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed my story. And remember if you ever hear singing in the dead of nights you should be running. I don't show mercy to my victims. Cause when you walk up to me and the moment I finish my song I'll ask "Did you enjoy the song?" And no matter what you answer is I will still reply saying "Its the last thing you'll ever hear.....". So be careful cause you might be my next victim.
I am Jaz The Singing Killer

I am Jaz The Singing Killer

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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