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I walked into my Homeroom class and took a seat in the back. I sat down and pulled my MP3 Player out of my pocket. I put my headphones in and turned on some music. I opened up the book I had been reading, To Kill a Mockingbird. I leaned forward in my seat and read as everyone talked around me.

I silently read my book, bobbing my head to my music. When a dark shadow appeared over my book and I felt a presence to my right. I turned my head to see the bear of a brunette looking at me with a small grin. I felt myself tense at how attractive he was up close. His skin was completely flawless, he had a sexy chiseled jawline and damn those dimples. But the thing that really hit me were his eyes. They were a golden color, topaz really. They shined playfully and with something else I couldn't quite place.

He said something, but I couldn't hear him over my music. I took one of my earphones out and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I questioned, frowning slightly.

"You alright? That seemed like a pretty intense exchange back there with that guy," the gorgeous boy said.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. I could have handled it. You didn't have to step in," I turned to look back at my book.

"I have no doubts about that. I was just trying to be gentlemanly," he said and I rolled my eyes slightly at his words, "I'm Emmett Cullen," he extended his hand towards me and I looked at it before looking at his face.

"Ezra Geralds," I said simply. I reached out to shake his hand, shivering at how cold his skin seemed to be but jumping at the shock that ran up my spine. I quickly pulled my hand away from his.

"So what's there fun to do around here?" Emmett asked me and I frowned over at him.

"Nothing. If you want fun you have to go to Port Angeles or Seattle. Forks is absolute shit," I said honestly. Emmett's grin widened and he laughed at my words. A loud, booming laugh that made everyone in the room look at him.

I felt my cheeks warm and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and put my best glare on to try and scare everyone's eyes away.

"You look like an angry puppy when you glare," Emmett laughed again and I rolled my eyes at his words, turning my glare onto him. This just caused him to laugh harder.

It was like everything I did was humorous to him. He reacted like a 5 year old. I turned my attention back to my book, deciding to just ignore him. I flipped through the pages of my book.

"Aw, man, no don't ignore me, Angel Eyes. I'm sorry," it took everything in me not to blush at the nickname the brute had given me.

"I don't care," I replied simply, trying to keep up my facade. It was silent and I took that as the signal that Emmett had finally given up. I continued to read my book silently.

"Are you always this difficult to talk to?" Emmett questioned.

"No," I said, shrugging casually looking over at the golden eyed boy, "Sometimes I bite or kick." I smirked at the shocked look on Emmett's face.

The bell rang at that and I quickly gathered my books. I walked towards the classroom door and slipped out quickly. I walked down the hall towards my next class, History.

"Hey! Ezra! Wait up!"

I groaned. This guy didn't take a hint. Before I even had the chance to try and speed up, Emmett Cullen fell into step beside me.

"What?" I asked simply, not bothering to look at the brute.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my schedule. I seem to be lost," Emmett said and he flashed me that grin a that almost made me melt. Almost.  I wouldn't be able to say no. I sighed and rolled my eyes, slipping on my annoyed scowl.

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