Fall of October

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The Fall of October

I knew it.

From the very first time he opened his mouth and let out his sweet and gentle voice... From the moment he first strummed the strings of his newly bought guitar... From the moment his eyes smiled because he was able to reach the right note...

And... from the moment he clicked the send button to a record label...

I knew that he will reach his dreams.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him from his side.

"Mm-hmm..." He just nodded.

I saw the sparkle in his eyes as he waited for the faint- colored button to turn bright. In a split second, the video was sent. All he needs is a phone call from the label and he's good to go.

"Lauren..." He called my attention in his soft and dreamy voice, but I just stared at the screen, reading intently the details he sent.

Name: Hong Jisoo (English Name: Joshua Hong)

Age: 17

Birthdate: December 30, 1995

Citizenship: American

Languages spoken: English, Korean

Specialization: Vocals

"Lauren..." He called me again.

I didn't notice the weight he put on as he leaned on me. His head rested on my left shoulder.

"Hmm?" I asked while still looking at the screen.

He is too close to me. And I am too close to exploding. I suddenly can't breathe.

Thankfully, the one who makes my heart beat like this was also the one who can calm it. All thanks to Joshua, who now lifted his head from my shoulder.

I looked at him and he smiled sheepishly.

"What if I got in?" He asked, dreaming again with his eyes open.

"Then... good for you." I mocked him.

He pouted and rolled his eyes.

"That's it? No congratulations? No 'you deserve it!'? Just that?" His voice got higher as he complained. He seems to be annoyed now, but I know he's just playing around.

I just laughed at his reaction and started to surf the net since he's done with his business already.

A few moments later, he stood up from where we were sitting and came back with a piece of paper. He gave it to me and I... don't know what to do with him anymore.

Did he just give me a signed paper?

"What the hell, Joshua?"

I can't take this guy!

"You are lucky to be the first person I gave my sign to." He said, proudly, with his arms crossed and chin up.

"I can't believe you." I just slapped the paper back to him and he just laughed.

I can't name a prouder person than this guy. He's driving me nuts!

He stopped laughing and the mood suddenly went down. It was as if the loneliness was already creeping in.

"But seriously... what will you do if I got in?" He asked, now serious.

"Then I'll be happy?" I answered right away.

Fall of October (SVT Joshua x OC oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now