Cast of Both Stories

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Hey guys, frost after he got off his lazy ass and finished part 2 of generic (Dont worry its still far off in your time). In here to tell you the cast of both of my stories and their importance to the plot.

Jacob Diablo: Main Character (duh)
Kaleb Oakly: Second biggest charracter (aka *hmm* THE INSANELY COOL JARED KLEINMAN 2.0.)
Nadia Choi: Jacob's Love interest and Kaleb's best Freind (ooooooooooooooooh. . . . . . . SpIcY!!)
Paulie Jordan: The one who ran the competition for the projects (you haven't met him yet and wont for a little while.
Weston Oakly: Kaleb's Older brother: Hes the reason you cringed while reading chapter 4 (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)
Georgia May: Weston's fiancé (nothing really more than that yet)
Tylar Mcduff: The school shooter (wow great relationship to current times OwO)
Logan Diablo: Jacobs Brother (*cough cough* the one who dies)


Ryan Mcdavidson: Main Character
Dallas Falkner: aka THE MASTER OF BIRD POKEMON!!!!!!! oh wait wrong script. Ryan's friend
Hannah Mcduff: Ryans secret crush (ooh SpYCi)

. . . . ... .... Thats about it

Stay frosty ma dudes

Jesus christ, I seriously wrote that and thanks to carl_the_wolf for giving me the idea but frick.. I mean I'm cringy (it comes from beong a hoosier and also calling yourself a furry) but wow,
Frost out.

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