Chapter 12

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"Y/N~" a voice cooed.

I moved my neck even though it was painful.

A figure dressed in black cane towards me. It grossly ran its hand down my body.

"What a pretty little prize I have here," "it" hissed.

"Please! Help me! Leave me alone!" I screamed.

But no noise came out. I was silently pleading for help.

"Why can't anyone here me?!" I screamed.

"Stop screaming princess. No one will here you," "it" said.

I looked up into its deep black eyes. "It" was like an empty void. And I was falling deeper into that void.

"That's it princess," "it" said.

It felt like I was being hypnotized to stay. To not run. To sit there in its shackles.

"You're my prisoner now," "it" said.

"I'm your prisoner now," I said, but of course nothing came out.

"I know princess. I heard you," "it" said.

Tears streamed down my face. "It" wiped them away with its slender fingers.

"Heartache hurts doesn't it? I'll make it all go away. Do you trust me?" "It" asked.

I wanted to say no but of course an unheard 'yes' came out.

"That's it sweetheart. Escape the pain of the world. Of your boyfriend. Of work. Of life. Life was never fair to you was it? You did everything on your own. Fought for your own survival. No one appreciates how hard you worked. But if you follow that light over there, everyone there will treat you like their queen. You'll be worshipped. And I will sit there at your side showing you off to the world. Be my queen won't you?" "It" said.

I snapped out of the strange hypnosis, "No! No! No!" I screamed.

But once again I went unheard.

"Try again princess," "it" said firmly.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" An angelic voice boomed.

"Aww why do you always have to ruin the fun!" "It" whined.

"Don't touch her! Don't look at her! Don't come near innocent people like her! She's ten times better than you'll ever be! She got a kind soul, and doesn't deserve to end up with such an unfortunate fate!" A white being emerged, staring down "it" intensely.

She was gorgeous. Dressed in a white gown, shining brighter than the sun.

"You ruin everything!" "It" screeched, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

"Thank you," I tried to say.

The angel chuckled, "You're very welcome
Y/N. I'm sure you're probably wondering what the hell is happening. I can't provide many answers but I will say that I was in a car accident like you. The exact same thing happened to me. I broke up with my loser boyfriend and then when I left crying I got in an accident. I wasn't as lucky as you are though. You're a fighter. I can tell. No one tells you what to do. I was a weak person who gave up on herself to fast. I caused the most precious person in my life a lot of pain because I gave up. But I know you won't give up on those that fast. I guess you could say good came out of my situation though. I have this job now. I save souls like yours from people like him. He's so annoying. Like give it a rest. No one wants to be your queen."

She rubbed my back gently, "Y/N you have to promise me one thing. Sort of like an exchange for saving you from him, someone very special is going to walk into your life. I'm not sure who but I can just feel that they have extreme importance to me. Please don't leave them. Stay by their side. From what I'm sensing they need you just as much as you need them."

"What's your name?" I tried to say.

"Ji-a," she said.

And then like "it" she was gone in a cloud of white and gold.

I woke up with a much needed gulp of air.

"Is this going to happen everyday?" I whispered.

Too scared to fall asleep, I snuck back outside, almost as if a child was trying to sneak out to steal a cookie.

I went to the gym and started working out before Jimin could come and get me.

He burst into the gym kind of shocked.

"You're up early," he remarked.

"Thought I'd get a head start," I lied.

He sighed, picking me up bridal style off the benchpress.

"What are you..." I was cut off by a tight hug from him.

"You had another nightmare didn't you?" He said.

Though I didn't respond he already knew the answer which made him tighten his grip on me.

Even if it went unnoticed, the heart of someone suddenly softened, for it was making space for someone else. Someone who would keep the heart that opened itself up to that someone forever.

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