A New Beginning.

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(I would like to know if anyone actually likes the story. Any tips or recommendations will be taken!)
<<<<Three Month Timeskip>>>>

When ash awoke his head was spinning, his eyes burned as they opened to the bright light and a familiar sense on his arm. He blinked and opened his eyes to see Greninja asleep holding onto his arm.  Ash moved his other arm, which he saw had an IV, and shook his Pokémon awake.


The Pokémon slowly awoke, then he recognized what was happening. He jumped up and hugged his trainer tight.

"Ash! Your awake! Its been so long!"

"What... Greninja What happened? The... the last thing I remember is... someone put me on the back of a salamence?"

"I went to go find help after you called me out and found a cabin. There were three girls living there and they helped get you some medical help. We're in a new region, the Lanista region. It's kind of a mix of all the other regions. But they have different customs here? Like they don't use pokeballs that often. The Pokémon wander without their trainers if they want but the Pokémon wear accessories that match their trainers item, And they don't have gym battles that often but they have a tournament every ten years and they crown the champion, they just had the one for this decade last month! Andreus  the new champion became the master of the region and now he has to appoint his six helpers, the professor was telling me- The Professor! I'll be right back Ash, I have to let her know your awake!"

With that the blue Pokémon ran from the room, leaving his trainer to process that massive info dump.

Ash looked around the room, it was very plain, light blue walls and a ceiling filled with little stick on stars. On the wall there was a portrait with all the starter Pokémon and another with Arceus. Soon Greninja and a woman in a wheelchair came into the hospital room, she rolled over to ash's bed.

"Hello Ash, my name is Professor Maple. How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm okay. A little confused but besides that... I'm okay."

"Alright, I'll call the girls and they can explain everything. Could you sit up for me?"

The lady asked while taking the stethoscope off her neck and rolling closer to him. Ash sat up and the woman put the stethoscope on his chest and checked his breathing and heartbeat.

"Alright ash, can you try standing up for me?"

Ash nodded and slowly slid off the bed. As he stood his knees buckled underneath him and Greninja rushed over to help him stand. Ash tried to stand once again but he fell once again, leaning against his Pokémon he looked to the Professor.

"Why can't I stand?"

"I was afraid this might happen. Ash you have been unconscious for over three months, your muscles have started to deteriorate. Don't worry though, it can be fixed with a little physical therapy you will just need to take it slow. Here, sit back down on the bed. Greninja can you go grab a pair of crutches from the supply closet? Oh and tell Chansey to page the girls."

"On It Professor! I'll be right back Ash."

The ninja Pokémon said as he helped his trainer sit back on the bed and ran out of the room, leaving ash and the professor there.

"Ash, Do you remember what happened to you?"

Ash shook as the memories of what happened flooded back to him. Professor Oak killing his Pokémon.... His mother saying it was okay for them to leave him for dead.....Gary holding Pikachu who was dead.... Ash started sobbing. Tears flooded his face as the memories of his friends betraying him.... ash felt like he couldn't breath, he started hyperventilating. He heard the door open and Greninja wrapping his arms around him. He sobbed and shook in the comfort of his Pokémon. Ash broke down and cried for what seemed like an hour. When he finally calmed down he was tired and broken.

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