The death Of Michael

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At this point I was now 6 years old when i first heard about Michael passing away I was in my room actually dancing in singing along to his music then my mom came in got me in took me to the living room. Where the TV was playing in the CNN news was on in I asked my mom whats going on why are we watching the news then my mom looked at me with a shocked but painful look in her eyes. And she said Lisa Michael Jackson is dead.. and I just looked at her like she was lying but then i looked on the TV and saw in big bold words MICHAEL JACKSON DIES AT THE AGE OF 50 I just remember standing their with tears in my eyes the world was shocked. I  was shocked I cried the whole day I wanted to kill that stupid doctor for taking Michael away from me. Oh god I hate-ted him so much what everything in me that same night I couldn't see sleep I tossed in turned in bed all night my body was weak and shaky.I cried myself to sleep I was sleeping for 3 hours then all of a sudden something happen. That has never happen before a bright light came into my eye's then I was their I was in the room with Michael he was asleep he had on is red pj's on with this oxygen mask on his nose. Then that's when I saw the paramedics doing CPR on him in I was just standing their crying in screaming Michael's name for him to wake up but he didn't he was really dead in front of my eyes. I was to scared to touch him  because I thought If I did I would make things worse then they moved him to the floor to do more CPR but it didn't work. He wouldn't wake up at all so they got him on the little bed and rolled him out of the room. Then that's when I woke up and I started crying uncontrollably I was shaking I had to wake up in watch Disney channel to get my mind off things but that flashback was still lingering in my mind. About 2 months after his death I was struggling with it I wasn't as happy anymore like I was before I use to go to school looking sad I wasn't eating as good. But when I turned 11 years old I was kind of feeling a little better I started back eating good. I felt like I had to to keep going for Michael because after the flashback I had back in 2009. I felt a connection with him I felt like Michael wanted me to know that he was okay in that I didn't need to worry about him anymore so that's what i lived by. All these years in that's what kept me going I always feel that Michael is close by me all the time I know that he watches over me so I just have to keep going on with my life and keep his name alive always in forever because I am a moonwalker for life.

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