The Meeting

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Eren's pov
Today has been hectic the office has been quite the buzz with deadlines coming up it has everyone working to the near brink of exhaustion. That also means that the Boss has been in a worse mood than normal so that means we are all walking on eggshells around him especially me. I'm Levi Ackerman's personal assistant that means that if something goes wrong around the office I'm automatically blamed even if that means it wasn't my fault. Levi has been paying sharp attention to me it's a little scary you know it's like he's waiting for me to mess up which only puts me on high alert twenty-four seven. I mean the way that he stares at me with those dark mysterious eyes that just see right through me and the way his voice is so assertive and dominant just makes me want to WAIT "um no-no"

I could never think that way of my boss I like to keep things strictly professional. Yes, work only I could never. I just have a lot of respect for him is all yes I just admire him for his bravery and commitment to his work in the midst of my rambling I see Mikasa who quickly snapped me out of my daze and I see her waving her hands like some maniac. "Mikasa what are you doing aren't you supposed to be working on the new building for the Morenos their deadline is in a week and knowing you I'll ask you one day and it will take you a week to get back to me" I stated a little annoyed. Mikasa is our graphic designer and she is always does everything last minute. "I am working on it I'll do what I can but there is something much more important than that" She was talking so fast she had to pause and take a deep breath before she spoke "Do you know Levi the Big Boss well he's looking for you and he looks more angry than normal" she finished as she was panting like a madwoman. You know I wouldn't be surprised if she ran all the way from the 20th floor down to the lounge because she thought it was "faster" to take the stairs than the elevator.

To say that I was scared would be an understatement I was absolutely terrified everyone knows Levi to be a merciless person who wouldn't think twice before firing you ruining your career and livelihood you'd be lucky to even get a job flipping burgers. The words sympathy or mercy weren't in his vocabulary he couldn't care less about anyone else. "So Eren what are you going to do" I groaned, I didn't know what to do but I knew that if I kept him waiting any longer things could get a very catastrophic "Well Mikasa I guess I'm going to have to see what he wants" I gulped and slowly made my way towards his office while in the distance I can hear Mikasa screaming "I hope you survive" while she laughs hysterically "Mikasa you are not helping" I yelled back in annoyance It took me about half an hour to reach his office because one It took me a while to reach the seventy-fifth floor, two being I got a little sidetrack and stopped to grabbed a bite to eat well I mean if you knew you were about to die would you want to on an empty stomach and three, truthfully I wasn't in a race to get to my own grave. But here I am now standing right in front of his office door I slowly opened his door I mentally face palmed because I forgot to knock the second I was in the room I could feel his eyes watching me intently. In that room, it felt like I was his prey and he was the predator.

His office was quite modern he had marble floors with a mahogany desk closer to his grand window he had one-way mirrors so he could see outside but they couldn't see inside he had a large white wood bookshelf on the left filled with first auditions and priceless collectibles on the right he had a shelf with a personal mini-bar filled with the richest and most expensive alcohol known to man. Slowly I took a seat In front of his desk then I heard his dark and monotone voice speak "You are late by 40 minutes Eren, secondly you didn't knock before you barged in and another is you took a seat without being told to". He slowly rose from his seat a walked passed me until I heard the sound of a click echo through the room then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks he had locked the door I was now stuck in a lock soundproof room with THE FREAKING LEVI ACKERMAN!

Ugh, I didn't feel like dying but I knew this would be the best place to kill me I mean no one could see me thanks to the one-way windows, marble floor so it wouldn't stain and the blood would be easy to clean up, soundproof so people can't hear me scream I thought of countless of ways I could die here. I mean I could already picture my funeral, I won't even get to have an open casket because my body will be too mangled to even identify. I was so wrapped up in my own world that I didn't notice him until he was right behind me "You know Eren you have no discipline maybe I should teach you some" His hands traced my collar bone it sent shivers down my spine and I knew he could sense my reaction

I finally found the words to make out at least some type of sentence "Don't say something like that you are my boss and what the hell do you mean "discipline"? I didn't know where this sudden burst of courage came from but it went as quickly as it came the moment he spoke I saw his jaw clench and his eyes grow dark in one swift move he had me over his lap with my butt up I had to hold his leg for support I tried to get up but the moment I tried he placed his hand on my back keeping me still

"Levi let me up this instant" my voice came out more shaky and hush than I meant it to be I was thrashing around until I felt a sharp sting and I ceased all movement then I heard a light deep chuckle "Eren you are going to be punished for your intolerable behavior do I make myself clear" I stayed silent and he didn't like that which only got me another smack he growly low and menacingly "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear" Sounding more like a command than a question but I knew all too well what would happen if I didn't respond I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded in response but that only earned me another "You use words for me brat and I won't repeat myself" I began to get very nervous "Y-yes" somehow I managed to speak as he kept one hand on my back and the other dangerously close to me. His very presence sent shivers down my spine. He whispered in my ear "Yes what?" I could feel the smirk in his voice. "Yes Levi" it sounded more like a question than a response but he didn't question it "Good".

I was livid how could he make me say something so lewd like that with a straight face

"Looks like someone enjoyed themselves more than they let on" I gasped as he slid his hands down past my clothes and grabbed me "Levi please" I moaned as he started stroking me teasingly. He took two of his fingers and plunged them in my mouth swirling them around then slowly he pushed one finger in me I was exposed and still sensitive from my previous spanking it felt weird but good a mix of pain and pleasure. I was a moaning mess I almost screamed when he pushed in a second finger I moaned his name loudly and for once I was thankful this room was soundproof "Eren my name never sounded better erupting from your lips" he swirled his finger inside me as he whispered lowly in my ear "You are so tight I'll have to stretch you a little more until your ready I must be your first". I blushed at the slight embarrassment to say the truth he was my first. No one had ever touched me like this or even made me feel this way. He went deeper and deeper thrusting in and out I felt like I was going to burst then he hit a spot that made me scream. "Found it" he said lowly as he kept hitting that spot over and over I felt like I was going to faint as he stroked me rapidly "Levi pl-please slow down"

I'm surprised I could even make an audible sentence but none the less he ignored my silent protest and went faster until I couldn't contain it anymore and I came all over his fingers he slowly brought it up to my lips and I licked his fingers clean "God Eren everything about you drives me fucking mad" Levi then crashed his lips onto mine biting my lip begging for entrance but I denied. Getting impatient he grabbed my butt and I gasped as he took the opportunity and explored every inch of my mouth. I was exhausted still trembling a little as I was still coming down from my high

"Oh don't worry Eren this is only the beginning I'm going to make you scream until your lungs give out" His voice was quiet yet loud it was low and deep "And one more thing Eren you are Mine and Mine Only" He grabbed me roughly making me whimper as he stroked the mess he made "So don't let me ever catch you or anyone looking or even thinking about whats mine or I'm going to punish you teaching you over who you belong to until it's drilled into your head". He brought me up to him so that I was facing him with each of my legs on either side of him as he bit down on my neck making multiple bruises "Do I make myself clear". He murmured across my skin It was barely above a whisper but I suppressed a moan to make out a simple

"Yes Levi"

~whoa holy water anyone~😶😶😶😝😖😖 ok ok I will update I promise but this is the first book that I've written with lemon or smut so...
But yeah boi comment and vote on this chapter if you want me to update and continue \(^♡^)/

But yeah boi comment and vote on this chapter if you want me to update and continue \(^♡^)/

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Levi's office^

His Possesive Billionare (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now