Wretched Sunshine

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So... I finally posted an actual story on here. I know, it's crazy. Anyways, I wrote this for a contest and in order for me to actually be a finalist, I need lots of votes!! So if you're reading this, I would love you forever and ever if you voted. THANK YOU

Update: I made it to the top 10 but unfortunately, I didn't win. Anyways, thank you to everyone who voted:)

Wretched Sunshine

By Ashlyn Taylour

Everything, and I mean everything was in ruins. The school I'd known for so many years, stood there looking ugly as ever. With its broken windows, and graffiti covering every brick in sight, it just looked blah.

It smelled disgusting as well. Like I was at a bar with way too many people. Except there was nobody around me now. Covering my nose, I faintly heard the sound of shouting.

I headed towards the noise, frightened to see what I would find. Nothing could be worse then what I'd seen so far. I reached the back of the school and what met my eyes made me take back my previous thought. It could be worse, and it was.

Leather jackets, jeans that were hole-ier than Jesus, shorts shorter than a bikini, and way too tight shirts weren't even the worse of it all. Cigarette butts littered every step I took. I even tripped on a few beer bottles.

What happened?

I scanned the crowd for my life-long friend Pierce Bennett. He'd be the only guy without a cigarette and his clothes wouldn't be like everybody else's either. He would never change who he was for somebody else. Pierce was amazing that way. He was always every bit himself, and expressed it whenever he got the chance. Impulsive yet loyal, Pierce was my best friend. I knew him better than I knew myself and we'd been inseparable for as long as I can remember.

"You're not from here, are you?" I heard a husky masculine voice.

Looking around, I didn't see anyone looking at me. Huh, I guessed whoever it was wasn't talking to me.

I still couldn't find Pierce. You'd think it'd be easy to notice him in this crowd. Where the heck is he? School should be starting in any minute now. I tapped my foot on the ground. He'd better be okay.

"Are you deaf?" It was that same voice. "Hello, I'm talking to you." A hand waved in front of my face.

I spun around trying to find whoever was speaking to me. Deep sea green eyes looked back into mine impatiently.

BRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGG!!! Ah, that's the bell. Right on time. The impossible became possible and the shouting got even louder. "Um... sorry, I didn't see you." I couldn't get over this guy's eyes. They were gorgeous.

"Okay, I guess I need to repeat myself." His mouth moved. "You're different. Why are you here? You obviously aren't from this place."

Ignoring his question, I asked my own. "What happened to the school? It's usually a lot more... happy."

Green eyes smirked at me as he spoke once again. "Life happened. I guess you've just been moving too slow for it. You need to catch up and stop lagging behind."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" I was beyond confused.

"It means whatever you want it to mean. Now, how about we enjoy the show. Shall we?" Before I could protest, he grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me after him.

Through the drunk and crazy teenagers and right towards the center of this big mosh pit. When he finally stopped, I ran smack dab into his back.

"What was that for? I need to find my friend, so just let go of me!" I pulled my arm from his grasp.

Wretched SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now