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 ' It was.. '

' Debrough.. '

' B-bill?! Bev said with tears in her blue eyes '

' Yes, love? '

' W-why i' am here?! '

'  You don't need to know, love..~ ' The skinny boy gave a smirk at Bev

' Let me out! This is not funny Bill! ' Bev said with fear and tears in her eyes '

' Why, love? You don't like your new H-O-M-E? Bev gasped when he said home. '

' H-home? W-what?! BILL S-TOop.. p-please.. She started to sob '

' Bill got closer to her then grabs her face '

' You will love me..~ One day... ' 

' NEVER! She screamed '

' The skinny and tall boy walked out the room, smirking before closing the door he smirked '

' That smirk disgust Beverly '

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