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the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
Remember when I said Manhattan was the best place to be? Well never fucking mind. Unless, of course, you like rats, one room apartments that take up your whole paycheck, and starving then New York's for you!
I've been on my own for about two years, and i've managed to pull my life together a bit. I have a job, a sleazy one, but a job none the less. I've got an apartment, and I enrolled in college. Life's okay, except for the fact that i'm broke as fuck. I got a job at a local bar as a bartender. I know, I know, i'm only 18 how did i score this job? Well let's just say the owners aren't the most loyal people to the law. The bar is on the corner of a really sketchy alley way in the not so nice part of Manhattan, to put it nicely. Like no prestigious people would ever step foot in a two mile radius of this place. So it comes to no surprise that I always get hit on by scraggly older men.

I put my hair into a braided ponytail and slipped into my work uniform which of course leaves little to the imagination, but hey the tips are nice, I guess.

I am working the night shift so I arrive right on time at midnight. Everything appears to be as normal. Loud music, sleazy women, and of course drunk men. Gotta love em.

"Hey Char, your gonna be working on bar 5, get the frown off ur face we got a buster coming in today", My boss, Ricky, said throwing his arm over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "First of all, don't call me Char. Second of all, don't fucking touch me." I say as I throw his arm off of my shoulder.

Ricky and I have a very... complicated relationship. He's very sleazy and gross, and I doubt he's ever felt the touch of a woman. But he likes to think he's mister smooth. Especially with his female employees. Yet, none of us ever recuperate his advances.

"Lighten up, Char. But seriously, best behavior. Pull ur shirt down a little more, show some cleavage, not that you have much there anyway. But we have got a veeery important guest coming in sometime tonight." Ricky says.

I roll my eyes again at the cleavage comment, "Fine. Who is it? I doubt anyone that important, I mean look at the place."

Ricky glares, "Watch your tongue, missy. I'll have you know that I've put a lot of effort into this bar. But anyway, his name is Diego. He's tall and he has a ton of tattoos, you'll know when you see him. So if you see him and he's at your bar you treat him like fucking royalty. Hear me? I told all you girls this so if I hear any complaints from him, terminated immediately."

I raise my eye brows at him but none the less nod and get on my way. I don't know who Diego is or why he's so important to Ricky. Not that I really care, and as much as I love my coworkers I hope they get him and not me.

My shift starts as usual serving people, mostly dead beats or college kids with fake IDs, but I never care to get them in trouble for it. I mean, who am I to talk? I'm an underage bartender, and I'd be lying if i said I don't down a couple shots per shift just to get me through.

It was around 4 when Diego walks into the bar, and Ricky was right, you'll know him when you see him. The man was covered in tattoos. He was wearing a black button down that was the top few buttons were undone which was tucked into black slacks that fit him nicely. The tattoos are peaking out from his shirt and travel to his neck. I catch myself staring, and unfortunately so does he.

Diego started to make his over to my bar, and I started to frantically mess around making it seem like I was busy doing my job and definitely not staring at him. He sits down at one of the stools and lays his forearms on the bar leaning forward. I feel his intense stare as I side eye him.

"Hey, what can I get for you?", I said in my best customer service voice. I decided to keep it casual and play it cool like he wasn't intimidating me right now.

He stared at me for a few more seconds, and I realized just how good looking he is. His features were sharp with a straight nose, and a defined jaw. His eyes were slender and piercing green. His hair was a dark shade of dirty blonde, which was messy as if he'd been running his fingers through it all day and now flopped over his forehead into his eyes.

"yeah, whiskey on the rocks", he grumbled out. His voice was shockingly deep and held a certain dominance to it.

"Yeah, of course", i replied swiftly. I hurried up into making his drink and quickly dismissed myself. I heard to the back to find Ricky to know his special little guest is here.

Just as I thought, Ricky was at his desk with his head tilted back and mouth wide open as he snored. I rolled my eyes and kicked the bottom of his chair to wake him up.

"Goddamn! What the fuck, Char?", Ricky exclaimed.

"How many fucking times have I told you to stop calling me that? And wake the fuck up, you're fucking friend is here and he's at my bar. I thought i'd let you know", I replied annoyed at him.

"Of fuck, Diego? He's not really my friend. Uh here, can you do me a huge favor?", He asked sheepishly and grinned at me with his yellow tinted teeth.

"Depends on the favor"

"Just hand him this", he reached under his desk and grabbed a small package with a envelope on top of it. "Just say this is from Ricky, and he'll understand what you mean. Oh and make it discreet"

I gave Ricky a blank stare before grabbing the package, "Fine"

"Thank you Char, you're my favorite", he said as i turned on my heal to leave his office.

I didn't reply and just rolled my eyes to myself. He's such a pussy. I don't even know this guy and he's making me deliver this to him. I don't even know what's in here, or why he can't give it to him himself.

I returned to my bar and Diego sat there staring at his glass seeming to be deep in thought. His index finger was tracing the rim of his glass before he picked it up and finished it off with the sound of his rings hitting the glass. I quickly put the package down by my feet, making sure no one could see it. I still had other customers at my bar, and Ricky said to make it discreet. I'll wait until my bar clears out, and i'm sure Diego will still be here if he's expecting a package.

It was about 30 minutes later when Diego stood up, and slammed a few bills down on the counter.

"Keep the change", his voice hoarse as if he'd been yelling all day.

I watched as he turned and left the bar, confused as to why he left without his package. I quickly excused myself from the other customers and grabbed the package by my feet. I quickly rushed out the door where Diego had just moments before. I saw his tall lean figure a little bits away in front of me.

"Hey!", I yelled in his direction.

He abruptly stopped, and slowly turned around to look at me. I jogged up to him.

"Excuse me?", he uttered out, with his eyes narrowed at me and a scowl beginning to etch on his face.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I just stuck the package out in front of me to give to him. "Um, this is from Ricky"

He looked at me for a moment before taking the package from me. I quickly turned around and started to walk back to the bar entrance. I speed up my walk as i thought I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly halted in place when a feeling of cold metal pressed against the back of my head appeared. The cock of the gun, make me freeze.

"Is this some kind of fucking joke?", he seethed out from behind me, feeling his breath fanny ear.

I stood there for a second frozen by the shock of what happening before I reluctantly swallowed, "No, Ricky just told me to give this to you. I know nothing about it."

"Now how about you tell me this sweetheart.", he said as he traced the gun from the back of my head to my temple as he circled to be in front of me. His eyes bore into mine, "Who the fuck is Ricky?"

My already panicked breathing increased as realization kicked in. I'm not he smartest girl you'll meet but i do know some things. That 1. whatever was in that package was bad news. 2. this package was intended for a man named Diego, who according to Ricky had lots of power, so who knows what was in that package. and finally 3. this man was NOT Diego.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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