First Kiss (VHope)

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"Oh God, Hyungs! It was amazing!" Jungkook squealed as he ran into the dorms one late Saturday afternoon. The boys had a rare afternoon off and they had all been relaxing at the apartment, that was until the maknae who had been using their day off at the dance studio interrupted their peaceful day off by charging into the living room.

He jumped onto the couch grabbing Yoongi and pulling him into a back breaking hug. "HYUNG! She was so cute and she kissed me!" He yelled before jumping up and down on the couch with a ridiculous grin on his face. The other members just stared at him with amusement.

"Is this the trainee that you were staring after?" Yoongi asked trying to breath after that loving assault. The boys had gathered around them, all sitting in a loose circle like a group of girls having a sleepover.

"Wait, isn't she a noona to you?" Shes my age!" Jimin sounded awed at the maknae's unbelieveable achievement.

"YES! SHE IS AND OH MY GOD SHE KIS-" Jung kook basically yelled still grinning like a maniac.

"Okay, yes we get it the noona kissed you can you tone it down and tell us the details?" Jin said in a typically motherly tone- annoyed at the loudness of the sound and yet still proud of the growing boys achievement.

"Okay so I was practicing and the door opened and there she was Lana Noona and she walked in like a godess-"

"Stop being over dramatic and tell us!" Hobi almost yelled trying to pull the story out of the maknae. through all of this chaos Taehyung sat there trying to roll his eyes at everyone's eagerness, he sorta got the excitement but kissing wasn't that big of a deal. He didn't need the others to talk about this, he especially didn't need the others to know that he still hadn't had his first kiss. God, Jungkook would never let it go.

"Okay, sorry. Well I was practicing and Noona walked in and I was going to leave, I thought she wanted to practice. As i walked past her she grabbed my wrist and said that she was looking for me and she said that she thought i was cute and wanted to 'Hang out sometime'-"

"You are so in! Damn, good work, Kookie!" Namjoon ruffled the boys hair and let his continue.

"So any way, I was like of course and she leaned in and placed a kiss right on my lips. Right there in the dance room and she just skipped away..." Kookie broke of with a dreamy expression and all the hyungs started clapping and cheering, all but one who was beginning to feel slightly inferior to the maknae.

Taehyung sat there in silence staring at the ceiling as the others began to swap their first kiss stories , he tuned in to a few and the stories were about as much as you could expect from each of them; Yoongi had had his first kiss at an underground club after sneaking in to preform during his early teens, whilst Jin's was with one of his school friends sisters, Namjoon's first kiss was with another trainee during his first year as a trainee who had dropped out after a few months leaving him heartbroken at the time and blah blah blah... So what if he hadn't kissed anyone yet? Its fine, Taehyung thought. Although he didn't believe it, he knew that many people believed that he was weird and when he was in school or a trainee the girls tended to stay away from him and flock towards the visuals like Jin and Jungkook.

"Tae, what about you?"

"Huh?" He was snapped back to reality by Jimin's sudden question.

"First kiss?" Jimin pushed.

"I- ah it was-" Taehyung fumbled over his words.

"Hyung, have you not kissed anyone?" Kookie interrupted with a small laugh.

"No, I - IT WAS WITH A SUNBAE!" He suddenly blurted then clamped a hand over his mouth and everyone looked at him shocked. Crap.

Why did I say that?

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