Chapter 15.2 : Stronger Bond

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My chest was still aching due to the previous fall but it got worse as I began to breathe heavily. The body lying in front of my bare eyes was my mate, he must have pushed me aside and ended up getting hit by the car.


I whispered his name as I slowly began to stand up, my body shivering as one thought crossed my mind. I walked over to his unconscious body, each step feeling ever so heavy and difficult to make. He was lying over his back, his head turned to the left side with his eyes closed. I fell to my knees and leaned over him, placing my hand gently over his cheek as I took in his injury on his forehead. There was blood on the scratched skin, the red liquid running down to his hair. My heart was pounding against my chest, my fingers trembling and my vision blurred with tears before they began to stream out. I then snapped my head to the woman behind me, my loud voice revealing the fear and sorrow in me as I yelled.

"Call an ambulance, hurry!".

The woman immediately took her phone out with shaky hands and dialed a number before pressing the phone against her right ear, visible tears running down her cheeks. I turned my head to the alpha, my entire world becoming black at the thought of losing him.

"God, I'm begging you. Please, don't take him away from me".

I whispered and lowered my head, my hand not able to touch him for any longer since I was scared of causing him any pain. The woman behind me was speaking to someone and explaining the situation, crying and sobbing into her phone. There was nothing I could do, only sit there and wait for help to arrive. I took the alpha's right hand into mine, not wanting to lose the connection the two of us owned. Suddenly my heart felt heavier as the world around me began to spin, assuming that I was undergoing a panic attack. It felt as if someone wrapped his hands around my neck, cutting off my air supply. Just then I figured that I was going through a paroxysm again, something that could lead to big consequences when happening more than one time. My body fell to its side and my vision turned into pure darkness, which was the only thing I remembered.


The sound of the heart rate monitor filling the room was the first thing I heard, once I gained back my consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with a familiar looking room, taking in my surroundings carefully. I was in a hospital room, an infusion needle attached to my right arm. My throat felt dry while I exhaled deeply, feeling slightly lost and confused as many questions overtook my mind. There stood a remote next to the bed to which I decided to call for a nurse, pressing the green button. A few minutes later the door was opened to reveal a nurse, watching her greet me with a smile.

"Good morning, miss (y/l/n). I'm glad you're finally up. How are you feeling?".

She asked as she walked over to the window, pulling the curtains to the side so the sunlight could illuminate the room. I had to narrow my eyes and let them adjust to the brightness before I replied quietly.

"I feel fine but I'm kind of thirsty. Could you give me some water?".

"Of course".

She said and walked over to the table next to the bed, a glass bottle with clear water and a cup already standing ready to be used. She poured some water into the cup and looked over the heart rate monitor, checking my current condition. She handed me over the cup to which I mumbled my gratitude to her. The cold liquid felt refreshing as it flowed down my throat, sighing at the pleasing sensation it gave me. The nurse was taking notes during the process, making sure that I owned everything I needed.

"I have to let the doctor know that you're awake. Is there anything else you need, miss (y/l/n)?".

She asked kindly, placing her palm over my hand which stood over my layered stomach. A sudden wave of realisation ran down my entire body at the touch of her hand, remembering the last hand I was holding before passing out. My eyes widened, my voice stuck in my throat as my mind recalled the dreadful scene.

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