Chapter 25 - They're Ready

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"Shooters...ARMS!" The instructor – Agent Kent said. Both Tia and Jake placed their arms behind their backs.
"3...2...1...SHOOT!" He called again. Both teens quickly grabbed their guns from the benches in front of them and fired the nine bullets they had in their first round into the target. Once their first round was empty they changed it and fired 3 more rounds all at the different targets around the room. When the alarm sounded, both Jake and Tia unloaded their guns and put them down on the bench. Agent Leanne had joined Agent Kent in the back of the range and observed the teens as they were then instructed to take apart and clean their guns before loading them and holstering them.
"Yeah...they're definitely ready" Agent Leanne laughed. Agent Kent agreed, and they went to meet the two teens in the briefing room after they had finished up in the range.
"Take a seat you two" Agent Leanne said, sitting down herself. Both teens sat opposite her as Agent Kent leant on one of the cabinets.
"Firstly...nice shooting you two" She commented. Both teens smiled but remained quiet.
" do you both feel? Training going well?" She asked.
"Yeah it's been great" Jake said. Tia nodded her head in agreement.
"Well that's good. What instructors have written about you two is excellent. You've both come a long way since you started a few months ago. And after the shooting we've just witnessed, we've both agreed that you're ready to go undercover." Agent Leanne said.
"Don't wont be for a few weeks yet. We just wanted you to be as prepared as possible. You can remain working...just be ready to drop everything and go" Agent Kent said. Tia and Jake nodded in understanding.
"Right you're free to go. Next training/prep session will be on Friday so enjoy your free days" Agent Leanne said.
"Thank you" The teen said to their TO's before they left. They both made their way to the locker area, so they could grab their belongings. Both teens went into the changing rooms to training out of the black uniforms that they have to wear when they are training. Tia changed into her light-coloured jeans, her trainers and a t-shirt. She placed her gun and badges on her belt and folded her stuff before putting it in her back. She re-did her hair before going back out to meet Jake who was waiting for her by the main exit of the building.
"Wanna grab some food and sit on the beach?" Tia asked. Jake nodded so they grabbed some food from a nearby café and sat down on the beach.
"You nervous?" Jake asked Tia as they sat and ate their lunch watching the water.
"A little...I mean, I know I'm ready. I just haven't done anything like this before and I mean, I'm still pretty new to be a junior agent" Tia said. Jake nodded in agreement as he had been a junior agent for a few months longer than Tia.
"We'll be fine...they won't let anything happen" Jake reassured her.
"I know" Tia smiled. They sat and made chit-chat as they finished their food. Afterwards, they took a walk up the beach.
"I best get off" Jake said after looking at the time.
"I'll see you Friday then?" Tia asked Jake as they walked off the beach.
"Why don't we do something? Meet up as we have a couple free days" Jake suggested.
"Yeah sure...I'll let you know as I'm still working with Five-0" Tia added.
"Cool" Jake said before they two teens said their farewells and went their separate ways. Tia knew the team were currently working a case, so she decided to go straight to the palace and see if there was anything she could do. Tia placed her headphones in her ears and turned on her music. Once she was done she put her phone back in her jeans pocket before starting the 20-or so minute walk back to the palace. She enjoyed walking after training as it gave her time to cool off and think about everything that is going to happen in the next few weeks. After stopping to grab an ice tea at one of her favourite café's near the palace, Tia continued on her way. She made sure to turn her mind back into work mood as she entered the palace. She noticed that Neither Danny or Kono's car were outside which meant that they were most likely out working something for the case. Waving to the officer on the desk, Tia took the stairs up to the Five-0 floor.

Continued in the next chapter...
A/N – Please let me know what you think!

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