* Recap - Mel got possessed by some demonic creature and Riley's got a crush on Mel. *
" Cleo?" I heard Mel whisper my name.
" Mel? What's up?" I asked.
" I was just wondering... What happened? You know; when Riley was with me?" Mel asked me anxiously.
" You went a bit weird and was standing at the edge of the cliff.... Riley came 2 save you!" I explained. Mel's face lit up.
" Really? Does he know I like him? Oh, please tell me he doesn't!" I heard her plead. My face dropped and she looked at me, worried.
" Mel, we had to tell him. He was afraid of helping you. So we had to tell him. Sorry!" I apologized, hoping she would forgive me.
" It's ok..... So, does he like me too?" She asked, whispering again.
" Yeah, he likes you too. But I didn't tell you this, ok?" I said. She nodded and walked back to her bed. I wanted to go to sleep too but a part of me was telling me I needed to stay up just in case Mel woke up in the night and pulled a stunt like that again. I called Sarah over to talk to her about it:
" Sarah? I need to talk to you about something!" I yelled across the room. She got up from where she was sitting and came over to me.
" What's up, Cleo?" She asked me, frowning. slightly. I felt bad 'cause she was tired and she really needed to get some sleep.
" I was thinking 'bout us two taking turns of staying up each night to make sure Mel doesn't 'escape' again... Wanna do it? I'll take tonight and you can stay up tomorrow." I asked her, rushing my sentence a bit. She looked at me and slowly nodded, getting up and heading over to her bedroom. I got up from from where I was sitting and sat in the comfortable, purple chair. I grabbed a silk cover off the sofa and curled up on the sofa, sticking the TV on to find some interesting movie to watch. There wasn't much on so I just sat there, waiting for the morning...
" Cleo? Hey, Cleo!" I heard someone say my name. I woke up from the sofa where I must have fallen asleep on my night watch. I looked around but could hardly see anything.
" Oh, hey Sarah! Sorry, I must have fallen asleep while I was watching in case Mel wandered off again. Thanks for waking me." I said, rubbing my eyes. I could see a bit better now. I also saw that Sarah was holding a plate of what looked like egg, bacon, sausage, cooked tomatos and toast.
" I brought you breakfast. You're lucky.... Mel didn't try and escape again last night. Probably dreaming about Riley..." Sarah trailed off, thinking about what it would be like if they got together. She looked down at the floor for a bit and sighed.
" Sarah, what's wrong?" I asked her, a confused look planted on my face.
" It's just that I don't really think we're going to find those stones. And the school turning into some 'magic' school. It just doesn't make sence. And Mel's dissapearing acts... It's all weird. And I think it's all connected somehow, I'm just not sure how." She explained. I could easily see where she was coming from, It was all a bit weird, but there's nothing normal in this world anymore. I gave her a sympathetic look and put an arm around her shoulder.
" Honey, don't worry! I'm sure we will find the stones... We're very bright people. And the school becoming a magical school is a bit weird but I don't think it will be that bad. And Mel's dissapearing acts.... Well, I don't really have a defenition for that but I'm sure we will find out why she's been mysteriously dissapearing sometime soon! Everything will be fine!" I reassured her. She smiled at me and pulled me into a tight hug. I knew how she felt because I was a bit confused too... I just didn't talk to people about it.
" Cleo? Brett's at the door.... He wants to ask you something!" I heard Mel shout from the corridoor. I finished applying my lipstick and went out to go see him.
" Hi, babe... What are you doing around about 5:00p.m?" Brett asked me. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
" Nothing, why?" I asked, smiling.
" Just wanted to show you something... Be outside on the feilds at 5:00?" He asked me, smiling back at me. I've never met a guy that was so caring yet so handsome anywhere!
" Yeah sure! I'll see you then..." I replied, grinning. I loved it when we got to spend time together by ourselves.
" Okay, see you then!" He said before departing the girls' section of the school. He walked towards the common room. I watched him leave before walking into my own dorm, smiling...