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I want you to go back and re-read the chapter "every voicemail", or at least, the voicemail parts. Once you've done that, you're free to read this lol, it wouldn't have made much sense without (I only pre-wrote the first 11 or so chapters so I doubt it would still be fresh in your minds)

Thanks if you are voting, because if you do really like the idea and you don't, I have no way of knowing if I should keep writing this or not. thank you for the people who have reached out to me about this book even if it is unorthodox, depressing and weird.

The same, dreaded night.

With a sharp breath, Damien hung up. He was already feeling the stress of everyday life, let alone a seventeen year old's mom breathing down his neck about where the hell her son was. His association to Jay was an innocent one - at first glance one might assume that he his drug dealer, but that was false. Damien was a family friend, a family friend of which had failed to ensure the safety of the dead body lying in that sunflower field that night. He still had pangs of guilt about it, but like weed, they come and go. At least, that was how he looked at it. The American hated dwelling on the past.

Back to the present, Damien sat alone in his dad's house. He'd been meaning to save up some money to move out, but he'd never gotten round to it. Money wasn't exactly tight, he just had other priorities. Besides, if he got a house, he knew that Matt and Mason would soon make it their love nest, and he would rather not.

That night, Damien was high out of his mind and didn't notice his phone going off in the background as he sat on his roof, admiring all the lights coming from the police sirens roaring down his road. It was a call he should have answered, a call that could have possibly changed the events that followed that night. He was zooming in and out, losing focus as his sleep deprivation got the better of him. The sirens drowned the sound of the call out, and to this day, Damien would think he imagined it all.

Observers would have deemed Damien's high to not be a good enough excuse and that he would have noticed Jay's call show up on his phone in his missed call notifications, but Damien would be confused the following day because the times didn't match up. Apparently, an hour after Jay's confirmed death, he had called Damien in the early hours of the morning. Damien figured it was a glitch or something, so he ignored it.

Meanwhile, John's hands were shaking because someone who he thought he could trust was suddenly looking very guilty. There was Damien's name, in the call log, plain and clear. In fact, Damien was the last person that Jay had called before he died. Yes, John also realised that the time that the call was made didn't match up with what the police had told everyone, but that was beside the point. The blond couldn't move past the fact that Jay had called Damien, of all people. John knew their connection through a family friend, but there had to be a reason why. He had to find out, he owed it to Lucas.

In the local coffee shop was Lucas, sitting by himself, working up the courage to approach Matt because he knew his shift was going to end in the next half hour. At the counter was Marcel, who had just paid for two lattes to go. As soon as he turned around, a man walked into the shop, swinging the door open so hard that it made a loud banging sound against the wall beside it, frightening a woman who sat close to the door. His entrance captured the whole shop, everyone vaguely had an idea of who he was, he just had that kind of presence. Marcel felt the chills travel up his whole spine and down again. Upon laying eyes on him, he found himself completely frozen, and he felt so stupid.

From where he was sitting, Lucas noticed the interaction, not that he wanted to be nosy or intrude on other people's lives. He too had a bad feeling about the man that had just walked in, and he didn't want to interact with him in any way. Anyway, he went back to minding his own business, passing the time by playing a game on his phone.

a boy for sunflowers (krii7y) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now