Chapter 1 - Good 'Ol Times

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6 years later



Hey babe! Sorry I haven't been able to respond to many emails, the connection here is a joke, but still love it here! Africa is beautiful! It's crazy how much the local zoo is going to suck coming home from basically the safari! I wish you would've applied for this study abroad, you'd love it! The kids are so great! There is one named Keavano and he just loves words that relate to food! I think he just likes food though! He's learning more English by the day, but anyways, how is my girl doing? I miss you so much and I can't wait to have you back in my arms. How's that heathen brother of mine? I know you guys don't talk much, but keep an eye out for him while I'm gone okay?

Love you with all of my heart,



Hey yourself! I bet! I miss you too! A little lonely without you here. I have Eryn who's keeping me company and has been on a recent tinder binge. I try and go along with it, but can be hard third-wheeling all the time. I'm sure teaching kids English is all that it's cracked up to be and I'm so proud of you! And Kol? Yeah, haven't talked to him. Sounds like he's home for the summer so I'll check up on him and report back!

Love you too,


Why did he ask me about Kol? I haven't spoken to the guy in over four years. He was back from Oregon State, but spent most of it partying - or at least that's what I've heard. His bedroom window was lit around 1 am every night. I could see different girls exiting into each of their vehicles in the late hours of the evening. Kol and I used to be close as kids, but it just all of the sudden stopped when we entered high school. Kol had begun drinking, doing god knows what with the female race, and just plain ignored me. Why should I have to talk to him at all?

Trying to disregard my thoughts, I threw my work clothes on which thank god I had lied out the night before, otherwise, I'd be late. My curly hair was always a ringlet mess and today was a messy bun type of day. As I headed out the door, I received a text from Eryn.

Hey chica-dee! Party 2nite? I need my wing woman! I'll give u the deets at work! Pls and thx! Ilysm F&A!!

I shook my head because I know I couldn't say no to her. Eryn had been my first and only female friend starting in high school. She adored the Kings' boys as much as the next girl that had ever been around me long enough to encounter them, but she was different. Eryn was not your typical boy-crazed girl. She was feisty and could be very stubborn with her opinion. She allowed me to be my true self, the version of myself that I had become easily forgotten. Being Austin's girlfriend had almost become my label. People saw me as nothing else and a reputation followed. I was no longer the girl raising hell throughout the neighborhood, but the girl who spent her Saturdays volunteering and doing community work. If it wasn't for Eryn I wouldn't have any friends.

It didn't help that I got a job under my father. Others at the firm hated me because my father happened to be the head lawyer and CEO of Martin Law. Eryn had moved here from Arkansas so she had no idea that my father was such a huge deal on the Oregon coast. She didn't care what they thought and I admired that about her, that she wasn't afraid to be herself. Eryn also wasn't afraid to tell me how it was, she was always commenting on the King brothers and their good looks or getting me into trouble.

As I walked into the front office Eryn comes up to me, "Hey best friend!", her bright green eyes were full of excitement. All other eyes glared with envy.

"Hey, Eryn! Quite the runway you had going there" I chuckled.

"Oh, I know right? They can suck it! I don't care what they think of us. We deserve to be here just as much as everybody else."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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