Is he new?

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(ahrae's pov)

Today I decided to go early to college so that I can go and check sports room. When I reached college I directly went to reception asked for keys and went to sports room. It was totally dark and creepy. I wonder how Lisa managed to come till door in the dark. I started to search for some clue when I heard a knock on the door... Uh, i think I left the door open so why is someone knocking on the door? When I turned I saw principal standing there with her arms crossed. She looked at me asking for an explanation. GREAT! What shall I do now? 😭😭😭

Me : Umm... (nervous laugh)

Principal : what are you doing here? Can I know the reason, Ms park.

Me : actually.... Umm... Yeah, yesterday I my sketch came in here. (smile)

Principal : in sports room?

Ahrae, u are so good in making excuses (sarcastic) I am proud of myself for this.

Me : yeah! Uh....yesterday I was late for my last class so I was running and in that process I tripped down infront of this room and my sketch book came inside from the little space between the door and floor. Then I noticed that this is locked so I decided to take it later, but than I totally forgot and remembered when I reached home.

Principal : well... I am not satisfied with ur answer Me park but I will still adjust with it. Did you get it sketch book now?

Me : I think I need to buy an new one. (smile)

She nodded her head and left me there. WOW!  I am so good at screwing myself. I quickly came out of that room and directly went to my class. To be more surprised I saw Sara sitting on her place. I went and approached her.

Me : good morning Sara (smile)

Sara : good morning (dull look)

Me : what happened? Is everything okay? Why do you look sad?

Sara : yeah! Everything is OK, I am thinking about yesterday's incident. Who might have did that to her?

Shall I say her? What will happen after I explain her everything? Will she kill me....let's say it, it's my fault and I have to go through this.

Me : uh... Sara I want to share something important information related to yesterday's incident.

Sara : what is it? (frowning)

Me : (said In one breathe) whatever happened to Lisa yesterday..... Was my fault.

As soon as I completed my sentence Sara got up from her seat and grabbed me by the edge of the shirt which I was wearing.

Sara : how can you do that to ur own friend, how can u harm her?

Me : woah! Dude calm down, do u seriously think I will beat her like that... Have you lost ur mind. I clearly said that it was because of me.. O didn't said I did it. And first listed to the whole situation than react.

Sara : spit it out (angry)

I said her everything in detail of all the things happened in past few days and also the incident which occurred just now in the sports room.

Sara : so u said principal that u fell down and ur sketch book slides inside the room. Seriously! (laugh)

Me : what? I was screwed up there and u know I don't know how to make excuses so I ended up making myself a joke infront of her.

Sara : lol... Anyways, so u are saying an unknown girl is threatening you by the name of shadow and saying u to leave taehyung's life and she likes him.

"Does destiny wants us to be together " (book 1) Kth ffWhere stories live. Discover now